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History of US Military Withdrawals (Research Paper Sample)


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**Please see attached reference as guidance, please feel free to use additional sources.**
1.) This summer President Biden has ordered the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan by 11 Sept 2021.Using your knowledge of US military history, you are tasked with writing a two-page paper about the history of US military withdrawals. Be sure to include what are some lessons we could learn from our past. Be sure to use examples of events that could parallel the current situation.


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When people think of Afghanistan, others often think of Vietnam and Iraq. Looking into older wars does not only influence but also reflect the views of the current situation. The current situations is focused on the politics of military withdrawal where both historical dilemmas and contemporary problems. Although sometimes wars attract an enormous amount of domestic support at the beginning, leaders are required to maintain the support by setting policies that reflect the public’s interests. However, there is a challenge especially when excessive force is used in pursuit of important interests but is less than vital. America has had a history of wars and its predecessors set a trend in which the country engages in constant attacks or prolonged wars. These wars have elicited mixed reactions not only domestically but also internationally.[. John Grenier, The First Way of War: American War Making on the Frontier, 1607–1814 (Cambridge University Press, 2005), p.21]
When President Nixon announced a withdrawal of U.S troops from Vietnam, there were mixed reactions. Some wanted the war to continue while others considered as an 

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