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Pro's and Con's of Light Drugs Legalization (Research Paper Sample)


to discuss pros and cons of drug legalization and what is the effect of each


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Light drugs legalization has been a highly debatable topic for quite some time now, with many justifiable opinions on both sides. Those in favor argue that the state should legalize light drugs purposely for those seeking medical help and that the state could regulate its use for security reasons. Conversely, those in opposition say legalization would lead to more troubles despite the fact that there are already issues of concern about safety and health in our society.
If the state were to legalize the use of light drugs, they could easily set and control the prices in the drug market and taxing them. This would otherwise make drug dealers and terrorists lose their main source of income therefore paralyzing them, combating criminal activities. The government will also make sure vendors who legitimately sell liquor and tobacco will not sell them to children. This would in turn make people pay for more than they would pay directly to dealers thus cut their demand due to high prices. Through taxation, the government could make better use of the money in a way that supports the people.
The state would otherwise get savings resulting from the cutback of expenditures of the law and order enforcement resources by abolishing drug arrests. This would in turn give enough money and time to fight crimes against people and property. It would put an end to reformatory congestion. In addition, court systems would be clean out.
In states where medicinal marijuana is legal, doctors may prescribe it to treat muscle spasms nausea, poor appetite, seizure disorders etcetera. It will make marijuana-like natural chemicals found in the human work better.
Light drugs are addictive. According to the Gateway Drug Theory, usage of light drugs such as marijuana can lead an addict to a risk of involving themselves in dangerous hard drugs. Long time usages of these drugs also affect the users in a way that they make uninformed and irrational decisions by negatively affecting the user’s ability to think logically.
Drugs tend to destroy families and lives. Drug users would rather use their money on drugs to quench their appetite than take care of their homes leading to poor standards of lives. Long-term users of such drugs risk medical problems that need a lot of money to cure thus draining family’s income.
Unfortunately, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not monitor medicinal marijuana. At the point when utilizing it, you do not have any acquaintance with its ability to cause tumor, its purity, strength, or reactions.
Even though I differ with the personal use of light drugs, I am in favor of medicinal ...
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