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Is a life outside planet earth possible? Is space colonization something that humanity should consider given the high rise in population around the world? Feel free to pick a side and state what you stand for, whether you are for/against space colonization. Format: Chicago double spacing 3 references source..
SPACE COLONIZATION: A POSSIBLE FUTURE FOR HUMANITY Name Course Number/Name Date Introduction Is there another world beyond planet Earth where life can exist? Are we the only ones who live in the entire universe? These are some thought-provoking questions and mysteries that many curious human beings and philosophers have continued to ask over the years. It would be unfathomable for most people to think it is plausible for a human being to live on another planet or planet (exoplanets). Exoplanets are planets outside the solar system and rotate around stars except for the sun. The possibility of living in outer space or on other planets sparks curiosity; space colonization as a future for the human race is intriguing. Most human beings may not have and may never arrive at the point of believing in a possible future outside planet Earth for humanity. However, some believe in this possibility and look forward to such a future. Analysis Human beings are curious by nature, so exploration is one of the ways to discover intriguing things and answer some of the world’s mysteries. Space colonization is a fascinating thought that is now in most human minds. For many years, a futuristic dreamy world out of Earth as painted by adventure and Sci-Fi movies has stirred up most people’s imagination of a possible life beyond Earth. Before the 1900s, humans did not know of planets other than Earth, so the possibility of another world was not in the picture. Since the 1900s, there have been discoveries of thousands of exoplanets, such as hot Jupiters and many other alien planets. Many space explorers and scientists are working day and night to thoroughly research exoplanets and study whether they are habitable for human beings. Prominent people such as Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson have been to space in recent years. Even though it is difficult to foresee the future with utmost certainty, there is a divide on whether humanity will reach space colonization at some point in time. For many centuries now, human beings have lived on planet Earth and have never lived on any other planet. Life on Earth has continued to be what human beings know best. Today, space exploration is no longer impossible or as challenging as it was in the early 1900s. There have been tremendous advancements in technology over the years. China, the USA, and Russia are at the forefront of space exploration. Supporters of space colonization argue that with possible further technological advancements, space colonization will be feasible. With continued technological advancement, spacecraft are guaranteed to be more advanced, terraforming technology better than today, and imperishable life support systems more advanced. However, these advancements in technology come with enormous cost implications. Hefty funding is needed to run such projects. The Earth has numerous planetary challenges, such as constant threats of catastrophe, climate change, environmental degradation, and overpopulation. Space colonization could become a solution to the many challenges on planet Earth and a way of ensuring the preservation of the human race. However, critics of space colonization argue that it is a health and biological hazard as the human body may be unable to withstand things such as radiation exposure for long periods. Ethical concerns and social considerations are other problems that critics of space colonization raise. There are constant unsettling questions about the creation of possible spa...
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