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10 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Preventing Diabetes in the Locality (Research Paper Sample)


On the last month u already done a draft essay on this topic I got comment very nicely but they told me that u should include specific challenges,global diabetes situation and the specific situation regarding diabetes in your country, evidence base and trials for diabetes prevention as well. now this time I got that same topic but it's a proper essay for 2000 words.


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Diabetes has emerged as a significant problem on a global scale. Chronic disease affects a significant number of people all around the world. People of many different races, cultures and religious persuasions are susceptible to contracting the disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Diabetes affects an increasing proportion of people worldwide, particularly in emerging countries with the highest prevalence rate. The condition is ongoing, and as a result, health departments all across the world need to take immediate action. The intervention needs to begin at the individual level, with people changing their lifestyles to consume a healthy diet and participate in active pursuits. The problem manifests itself when the body cannot dissolve additional glucose in the cells and produce energy from it. When the condition is not under control, it causes harm to the many organs throughout the body.

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