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Marketing Plan of Mokoko Coffee Brand (Research Paper Sample)

This comprehensive report provides a detailed analysis of Mokoko Coffee which examines the digital marketing strategies for the business to gain key insights into the coffee industry along with the suitable strategies that could be employed by the company. SOSTAC framework has been employed in this report for the development of the digital marketing strategies to gain insights into the external and internal factors influencing business environment of the brand. source..
Mokoko Coffee Shop in Bath Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc156913370 \h 3About the company PAGEREF _Toc156913371 \h 3Situational Analysis PAGEREF _Toc156913372 \h 3PESTLE Analysis PAGEREF _Toc156913373 \h 3SWOT analysis PAGEREF _Toc156913374 \h 6Customer Journey Map PAGEREF _Toc156913375 \h 7Objectives PAGEREF _Toc156913376 \h 8Strategy PAGEREF _Toc156913377 \h 8SEO (Search Engine Optimization) PAGEREF _Toc156913378 \h 8Social Media Marketing PAGEREF _Toc156913379 \h 9Google PAGEREF _Toc156913380 \h 9Tactics and Actions PAGEREF _Toc156913381 \h 9SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) PAGEREF _Toc156913382 \h 9Social Media Marketing PAGEREF _Toc156913383 \h 10Google Tactics and Actions PAGEREF _Toc156913384 \h 11Control PAGEREF _Toc156913385 \h 11ADIA Framework PAGEREF _Toc156913386 \h 11Socio-Economic Context PAGEREF _Toc156913387 \h 12Control and Continuous Improvement PAGEREF _Toc156913388 \h 12Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc156913389 \h 13References PAGEREF _Toc156913390 \h 14Appendix PAGEREF _Toc156913391 \h 16Post for Social Media and Google Marketing PAGEREF _Toc156913392 \h 16Google Trends PAGEREF _Toc156913393 \h 17 Introduction This comprehensive report provides a detailed analysis of Mokoko Coffee which will examine the digital marketing strategies for the business that will allow to gain key insights into the coffee industry along with the suitable strategies that could be employed by the company. SOSTAC framework has been employed in this report for the development of the digital marketing strategies and therefore gain insights into the external and internal factors influencing business environment of the brand. Strategic objectives are identified in this report which will allow an in-depth look at the proposed marketing strategies and tactics in order to achieve them competently by employing digital and social media marketing, search engine optimization and leveraging Google tools. Finally, the report concludes with by highlighting how the brand has planned on adapting to the evolving needs of the market. About the company Mokoko Coffee is a well-known coffee shop and bakery based in Bristol and Bath. It is popular for its extinguished taste and freshness. They have a total of three branches; one in Bristol (an in-house kitchen) and two in Bath. Over the period the business became very popular and they started with their amazing coffee brand in the coffee-roasted market. Mokoko coffee brand is known for its simplicity, freshness and authenticity. Everything is made from scratch from the country of origin and is elegantly made by skilled baristas who are passionate about their work. Their coffee is famous amongst all age groups. The main focus of the business is not only on gaining revenues but also on building a strong brand image through its high-quality coffee standards. They have worked beautifully on their packaging by illustrating its originality, country’s folk, fashion, art and design in fun, bright surface graphics and illustrations. Their first coffee shop in Bristol’s Wapping Wharf offers a unique experience along with an amazing taste. Customers love going there because of its large space with lots of wood and accent colours. The centrally located bakery gives wonderful vibes due aroma of the freshly baked savouries. Further, guest coffee is also being offered by other royal roasteries (Mokoko, 2024). Situational Analysis PESTLE Analysis Political Factors The increase in the UK’s corporate tax plays a major role in increasing the costs of businesses in the coffee industry. There was an increase in the corporate tax from 19% to 25% in 2022 which has greatly impacted the financial performance of the coffee brands (Delestre et al., 2022). These taxes increase the operational costs which leads to an increase in production costs and staff shortages. Furthermore, the UK’s Brexit decision related to global political uncertainty has also impacted the coffee industry as it has a direct link to the coffee sector. They have also introduced trade barriers and new tariffs which have increased the costs of the coffee brands. Therefore, like many other brands Mokoko coffee has also been affected by these additional costs, thus, leading to an increase in price increase twice a year. This has caused a drastic increase in administrative workload including paperwork and the required compliance (Cooper et al., 2023). Economic factors Economic factors also play a major role in increasing the costs of the businesses and as there has been an increase in the inflation in the U.K to 4.2% which has drastically increased the costs of doing business especially for coffee businesses and cafes in town (Backett, 2024). The rising inflation has caused Mokoko coffee to increase its price as well. The coffee industry is booming because of its high demand amongst the young generation. It is mostly influenced by the consumer's preferences who prefer authentic taste and coffee experiences. Tourism also plays an important role in increasing coffee demands. Therefore, Mokoko Coffee could benefit from these factors by providing coffee enthusiasts and tourists with an authentic coffee experience. They should provide more healthy options and real coffee flavours. The coffee industry has faced increased costs in labour and operational costs which has led to dynamic change in the coffee prices as stated by Whalley and Curwen (2023). Brands are continuously finding good alternatives to milk and cardboard cups. Therefore, Mokoko Coffee needs to work towards its strategic planning to ensure price adjustments, profitability and customer satisfaction (Waehning et al., 2023). Societal Factors Consumers give high importance to the quality of the coffee when deciding which coffee shop to buy from. The quality of the coffee plays a major role in the purchasing power of the consumers. It has been stated by Dal Mas et al. (2022) that almost 70% of the consumers give importance to price for the local business in the UK. The coffee and Café businesses in the UK are blooming because of the high demand from consumers which is evident by the fact that the sales value have increased to £9.4 billion in 2023 in the UK. Therefore, coffee shops have been a favourite place for consumers despite the high inflation and increasing prices of consumer goods. However, gradually consumers are now prioritising where to spend money and where to buy coffee from when choosing a coffee shop. Thus, this indicates that consumers are shifting towards more reasonable coffee brands (Ferro and Groothuis, 2022). Technological Factors Technology plays an important role in the success of the business. Many coffee shops are operating through app-based ordering systems for order, pick-up and services. The world has become more digitalised and convenient. Consumers now prefer quick transactions to avoid wasting time. Therefore, Mokoko should introduce major technological changes to stay competitive in the market. Some of the technologies are on how to manage brew management, consistency, output volume and equipment management. Many cafes like Cropstar cafe with a partnership with La Marzocco use IoT-enabled coffee machines to use all these technologies. Therefore, these latest technologies are now essential to stay up-to-date and to ensure consistency to remain competitive in the market (Waehning et al., 2023). Legal Factors There are certain legal regularities that should also be taken into account to run the business successfully. Therefore, Mokoko has been following legal requirements of doing business in the UK which requires it to ensure workers' safety. They should equip themselves with the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act which will come into effect in September 2024. This legal requirement will require Mokoko to ensure a minimum pay therefore it needs to access how it will affect its payment system and if it is going to affect their profitability margins by a raise in the workers compensation. Further, Mokoko Coffee also needs to pay attention to food hygiene and freshness. Consumers prefer fresh and clean food and coffee, therefore, everything should be set according to the Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland. They should keep all the aspects in their mind from the preparations and storage of food to perfect cleanliness and hygiene of the working place. To be successful and competitive in the market, therefore, Mokoko should fulfil all these regulations (Keating, 2022). Environmental Factors Mokoko coffee continuously plays an important role towards environmental factors which include waste management and surrounding safety. Coffee brands are operating businesses through environmentally pleasant initiatives which include utilising waste products like coffee grounds and food scraps. All these initiatives will make an environment safe place to carry businesses and will create more possibilities for the coffee industry (Filimonau et al., 2020). SWOT analysis Strengths Mokoko Coffee has become a known coffee brand in a short period because of its freshly made products and high-quality coffee. It’s one of the exceptional coffee brands for provides an extinguish coffee experience in one of the top-notch urban areas located in Bristol and Bath. Their coffee shop is an amazing combination of genuine taste, hygiene and beautiful service. It has a strong image in the market with a fair market share (Aspiring Kennedy, 2018). Weakness As Mokoko is a local brand with not many franchises in the market, therefore, it can face some issues in expanding and fulfilling customers' expectations on a larger scale. Further, the economic conditions can make it difficult to compete in the market to gain a larger market share (Goldsmith, 2024). Opportunities There are many amazing opportunities which Mokoko can avail to build a strong brand image in the market. They can easily expand their business through e-commerc...
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