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Visual & Performing Arts
Research Paper
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Watch and Review the Video “The Story of the Still Life” (Research Paper Sample)


Assignment: 1. Watch the video “The Story of the Still Life” . While you do so, you will:

Take notes in your sketchbook including your identification of artists that you find particularly interesting. Consider:

WHO are the artist: Names, place and time of birth, nationalities/ cultural context WHAT does a Still life Depict?

Observe composition, objects and relationship between them. HOW did each artist approach the composition: including medium, color scheme, light, shadows, and any further details that you can appreciate from your observation. Is there any piece that appeal to you in particular? WHY?

2. Based on this video, you will write a 1 page-paper, reflecting on your understanding of the genre of Still Life. You can beginning defining your understanding of the concept of Still Life, its place in Art History and later on reflect on the particular artwork/ artist that you selected from the video ( Remember to include WHO was the artist/ describe WHAT was included in the composition/ HOW was made/ WHY it does appeal to you).

3. Collect 3 Objects that are meaningful to you for any reason. Objects may be appealing to you for their texture, shape, material, size, personal attachment… With them, you will create a composition to be drawn in class. These objects muust include a range of surface and forms, including organic and artificial materials

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The Story of Still Life
Still life is understood as the style of art that utilizes visible objects to draw or evoke certain meanings. In this regard, the concept has been used by artists in history to help them convey various messages to people, which has consequently led to the appreciation of natural things such as flowers, mountains, valleys, and many more. Essentially, still life beseeches human beings to consider what surrounds them and value the beauty of the materials that world created around them.
As I watch the concerned documentary, the works of many artists in history appeals to me in various dimensions. Implicit in these works of creativity is the fact that they make use of ordinary objects that people often overlook. Perhaps, the most outstanding work shown in the video is Balthasar van der Ast’s Still Life With Fruit and Flowers that was created in 1620 (The Story of Still Life). In particular, the artwork involves a fusion of various types of objects such as flowers, fruits, snails, butterflies, and earthworms. The most appealing part of this artistry is that the creator incorporates the most fundamental and natural objects exhibiting a high level of beauty. For instance, the manner in which he makes snails, earthworms, crabs, and other organisms look is far beyond an individual’s actual perception when they view these objects in reality. What is more, Balthasar incorporates a unique form of lighting that illuminates the myriad objects in his work, evoking a high degree of elegance. In this way, the art classically demonstrates the im...
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