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Communication research analysis (Research Paper Sample)

The paper was focused on marketing analysis of any city of choice. so it was important to first look at the city in detail then come up with the demographics in that city and other key relevant information that may be used in marketing and communication analysis. Other key statistics such as the locals’ spending habits, people’s work patterns and our competitors’ activities will also be essential in determining the customers’ profiles. Our communication plan can thus be robust and detailed because we are going to know the message which will suit every group in the City source..
360045360045 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date June 1, 2021 LA VISTA COMMUNICATION RESEARCH ANALYSIS City of La Vista The city has a total population of 17,170 people as at 2020. In terms of age and sex, those above 65 years are 13% of the population, those under 5 years are 6.5%, and people under 18 years are 24.5% (US Census Bureau n.p.). The total percentage of women/ female people is 50.7%, of the total population. The city also consists of different races and these include whites, African-Americans, American Indians, Asians and other races. White people are 92% of the total population, Hispanic people are 10.6%, African-Americans are 2.2% of the population whilst the other races make-up the other percentage. People who were born in foreign countries are 4.5% of the city’s population. The city’s population is generally highly educated, because high school graduates or those who are higher than high school graduates are 95.1% of the population (these are aged above 25 years). For those same people aged above 25 years, those with bachelor’s degrees are 30.1% of the age group. The city has 6,990 households and these households have approximately 2.44 people per home. People who have access to the internet and those who have computers are 90% and 94.8% respectively, this means that social media communication can be very powerful in communicating our objectives and goals. The city’s economy is quite powerful because 75% of those aged above 16 years are gainfully employed. Of this civilian labor force; females who are aged above 16 are 73%, and total retail sales per capita is $14,898, whilst the per capita income is $32,665. Median households earn an income of $68,551, whilst people living in poverty are only 6% of the total population. The City has a total of 1,280 firms, and 655 of these are men owned whilst 511 are female owned. In order to create a successful communication plan it is important for us to study and collect demographic data. Demographics of a population will help in crafting the right message which is best suited for the population segment. For example, messages to young people should be different from messages which are crafted for older people. Demographics of a particular population are also essential because they help in identification of the number of people who could become customers of the business and these end up buying the products and services. For example, the young people may prefer less healthy foods whilst old people in the city may prefer to eat healthier foods. Studying a population’s demographics is also essential in determining the income levels of a population and the investment required from the firm. We do not want a situation whereby we market and sell our foods to people who cannot afford/ need them, thus income ranges help in determining who our customers are. Lastly, studying demographics will help us to focus on certain niche markets. The restaurant may want to introduce new foods such as unique sea foods which are pricey and for the wealthy members of the society, collection of demographic data will thus help us to know were exactly to find them and how we can effectively concentrate on that niche market. If the restaurant intends to fully achieve its goals and objectives it is crucial to engage the audience. The term audience engagement means transforming the potential customers into customers of the business (Event bright n.p.), so as to achieve the objectives of driving sales revenues and profits. The audience engagement techniques which may be available at our disposal include investing more time into listening to people on social media and the society at large. It is also crucial for the business to engage its clients via a Chabot which can be programmed on our social media platforms for customer interaction. Lastly, the social media platforms can have visuals to help improve the customers’ experience on the platform. Data from audience engagement can be used by the business to make customers believe in messages which are generated by communication campaigns. The campaigns may include informing the public of the type of information available which may be of benefit to them. Also the data can be used to assess and quantify the return on investment communication investment. The costs and efforts which would have been incurred in the collection of data are necessary for evaluating the return on investment. There are also other methods of collecting customers’ data which we can utilize and these include surveys, interviews and observations. The data can be qualitative or quantitative, whereby the former is data which is in the form of characteristics and includes interviews, questionnaires and observing. Quantitative data on the other hand is data which can be quantified (in numbers/by counting). We can interview different customers in the city randomly so that they can tell us their likes and preferences, as this will help us to develop the perfect menus for the people. Also surveying can take place in the form of sending out random forms to the public, and th...
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