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Research and Discuss the Impacts of Gaming in the Society (Research Paper Sample)


Discuss the impacts of gaming in the society

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Importance of Gaming
Gaming has become popular lately the main reason being entertainment. It has various benefits to gamers as well as non-gamers for example financially to the program developers. Gaming has increased the level of competition among human beings. Competition concept is a very vital development to the organized societies. Competitive games help humans satisfy their animal drive associated with the direct competition in an environment which is benign and controlled. Games also help in reinforcing the hierarchies with minimal death. Therefore, gaming has helped in entertainment as well as brain development (Greenfield 3).
Impacts of Gaming in the Society
Gaming has various impacts in the modern society besides being an entertainer. Firstly, gaming has effect on non-gamers who are psychologically traumatized. The non-gamers have become superstitious witch-hunters who consider gaming as a demonic device. Secondly, it has been proved that gaming turn young men or gamers into violent activities. For example, the Colorado shootings convict was addicted gamer. Gaming has also resulted in creation of a new culture among the gamers. Most of the video gamers have become addicted to gaming and can even spend all their day in gaming therefore, resulting in addiction (Repetti & Jung 63).
Video gaming has also resulted in positive impacts to the modern society especially in the education sector. Among the techniques that can be developed in video gaming include meaningful goals, multiple goal structure, scoring system, overtaking other vehicles when in the road and random element surprise among others. Example of gaming that can offer such qualities include motor racing gaming, other include simulation games that require an individual to form their own gaming world e.g. Civilization series and Tycoon series (Greenfield 3).
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