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Dialectical Reversal of Otherness (Research Paper Sample)
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Dialectical Reversal of Otherness
Dialectical reversal of otherness is referred to as the aspect of inclusion which is also the exclusion. Dialectical reversal of otherness is an attempt to include the other to the same circle with respect. However, what is included in the circle of another is a reductive projection of what can be termed as the self. In most cases this aspect was prevalent, especially, when the European and Western countries believed that Africans had no art and were not able to rule them. For example, Jim Crow laws on separation and equality are an example of dialectical reversal of otherness.
The aspect of equality in these laws is what can be defined as the inclusion while the separation of individuals on the basis of race and culture can be described as the aspect of exclusion. This implies that many individuals tried to separate the Black race from the Caucasian race but the efforts were used in order to achieve equality. Dialectical reversal of otherness is like a reminder of the human attempts to achieve inclusion (Verene 23). In this aspect, the attempts to achieve inclusion are not easy to achieve and respecting the difference is that lies between individuals, who belong to the different races, is an elusive and unstable experience. In addition, the attempts to liberate the human soul are corruptive in nature. This essay will focus on the ideas of different theorists and philosophers in an attempt to elaborate the dialectic reversal of otherness.
Different philosophers have different ideas on dialectical reserve on otherness. The list of philosophers includes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who expresses the art of history in different ways. In his phrase “aesthetics and more than aesthetics”, Hegel argues that art histories of the society are able to create an illusion, which may result in the emergence of otherness. In his philosophical arguments, Hegel believes that the past history influences the future actions. This implies that the past experiences make meaning in the future actions. In other arts, Hegel explains the relevance of history experiences in religion and philosophy (Verene 94). This means that Hegel’s work was not dealing with the world as the way it is but had a different way. Hegel’s dialectics explains that the world history exhibit nothing more than the plans of providence.
This means that Hegel referred to aspects, which showed that history of the world follows a specific path, which is predetermined by the spiritual movement of time. The systems embodied in Hegel’s ideas are that the history of the world is of a dialectical nature. In other art works Hegel discusses the relationship between love and love of the concept. According to Hegel, love is beyond the human thinking (Bjerke 77). This implies that Hegel locates love in the private spheres of an individual and it becomes to be understood as the unthinkable and very dangerous passion experienced by human beings. In this context, Hegel defines love as a primitive form of spirit. According to Hegel the spirit does not toss it on the external play of chance occurrences but the spirit determines the history and stands against the chances of occurrences. “Spirit does not toss itself about in the external play of chance occurrences; on the contrary, it is that which determines history absolutely, and it stands firm against the chance occurrences which it dominates and exploits for its own purpose” (Bjerke 78).
This is the same reason, why the European nations tend to think that the African people were primitive and had no religion or passion. On the other hand George Orwell believes that most individuals in the world are equal. However, in his book Animal Farm, George Orwell’s argues that some individuals, (animals in this case) are more equal than others. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” (Verene 56).
In this case, George Orwell’s referred to the classical theory of human classes in the society. Some human beings are more important than others. For example, during the separation and segregation laws of Jim Crow in America, the whites were more equal than the African American people. George Orwell tried to expose how human beings are corrupt and unjust to others by expressing their powers on the minorities while subjecting them to poverty. He argues that human being has the tendency to seek power in order to rule others. He presents his views on the pessimism of human nature. In Animal Farm, George Orwell tries to give an image of the human perception of power. He says that “the only good human being is a dead one”(Verene 58).
In his different collection of art, Hegel associated romantic art works with the aesthetic nature of human beings. The dialectical understanding of love argues that love harmonizes the freedom of an individual will with the necessity of self-limitation. Hence, Hegel still emphasizes his argument that love and beauty in human beings are the absolute spirit in the individual's imagery art which is created in the mind of an individual. Hegel presents love as the self-consciousness of a human being or self-conscious spirit, which is reconciled to itself in the world. In terms of historical arts, Hegel believes that the dialectical reversal of otherness defines the meaning of art and history (Wheat 123). Hegel asserts that without the opposition of anti-thesis, which works through dialectic, the human existence will be like an empty shell.
Love and period of h...
Dialectical Reversal of Otherness
Dialectical reversal of otherness is referred to as the aspect of inclusion which is also the exclusion. Dialectical reversal of otherness is an attempt to include the other to the same circle with respect. However, what is included in the circle of another is a reductive projection of what can be termed as the self. In most cases this aspect was prevalent, especially, when the European and Western countries believed that Africans had no art and were not able to rule them. For example, Jim Crow laws on separation and equality are an example of dialectical reversal of otherness.
The aspect of equality in these laws is what can be defined as the inclusion while the separation of individuals on the basis of race and culture can be described as the aspect of exclusion. This implies that many individuals tried to separate the Black race from the Caucasian race but the efforts were used in order to achieve equality. Dialectical reversal of otherness is like a reminder of the human attempts to achieve inclusion (Verene 23). In this aspect, the attempts to achieve inclusion are not easy to achieve and respecting the difference is that lies between individuals, who belong to the different races, is an elusive and unstable experience. In addition, the attempts to liberate the human soul are corruptive in nature. This essay will focus on the ideas of different theorists and philosophers in an attempt to elaborate the dialectic reversal of otherness.
Different philosophers have different ideas on dialectical reserve on otherness. The list of philosophers includes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who expresses the art of history in different ways. In his phrase “aesthetics and more than aesthetics”, Hegel argues that art histories of the society are able to create an illusion, which may result in the emergence of otherness. In his philosophical arguments, Hegel believes that the past history influences the future actions. This implies that the past experiences make meaning in the future actions. In other arts, Hegel explains the relevance of history experiences in religion and philosophy (Verene 94). This means that Hegel’s work was not dealing with the world as the way it is but had a different way. Hegel’s dialectics explains that the world history exhibit nothing more than the plans of providence.
This means that Hegel referred to aspects, which showed that history of the world follows a specific path, which is predetermined by the spiritual movement of time. The systems embodied in Hegel’s ideas are that the history of the world is of a dialectical nature. In other art works Hegel discusses the relationship between love and love of the concept. According to Hegel, love is beyond the human thinking (Bjerke 77). This implies that Hegel locates love in the private spheres of an individual and it becomes to be understood as the unthinkable and very dangerous passion experienced by human beings. In this context, Hegel defines love as a primitive form of spirit. According to Hegel the spirit does not toss it on the external play of chance occurrences but the spirit determines the history and stands against the chances of occurrences. “Spirit does not toss itself about in the external play of chance occurrences; on the contrary, it is that which determines history absolutely, and it stands firm against the chance occurrences which it dominates and exploits for its own purpose” (Bjerke 78).
This is the same reason, why the European nations tend to think that the African people were primitive and had no religion or passion. On the other hand George Orwell believes that most individuals in the world are equal. However, in his book Animal Farm, George Orwell’s argues that some individuals, (animals in this case) are more equal than others. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” (Verene 56).
In this case, George Orwell’s referred to the classical theory of human classes in the society. Some human beings are more important than others. For example, during the separation and segregation laws of Jim Crow in America, the whites were more equal than the African American people. George Orwell tried to expose how human beings are corrupt and unjust to others by expressing their powers on the minorities while subjecting them to poverty. He argues that human being has the tendency to seek power in order to rule others. He presents his views on the pessimism of human nature. In Animal Farm, George Orwell tries to give an image of the human perception of power. He says that “the only good human being is a dead one”(Verene 58).
In his different collection of art, Hegel associated romantic art works with the aesthetic nature of human beings. The dialectical understanding of love argues that love harmonizes the freedom of an individual will with the necessity of self-limitation. Hence, Hegel still emphasizes his argument that love and beauty in human beings are the absolute spirit in the individual's imagery art which is created in the mind of an individual. Hegel presents love as the self-consciousness of a human being or self-conscious spirit, which is reconciled to itself in the world. In terms of historical arts, Hegel believes that the dialectical reversal of otherness defines the meaning of art and history (Wheat 123). Hegel asserts that without the opposition of anti-thesis, which works through dialectic, the human existence will be like an empty shell.
Love and period of h...
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