Terrorism Education Research Paper Coursework Essay (Research Paper Sample)
The paper was about the reasons Why You Cannot Justify Terrorism under Any Circumstance
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10 October 2019
Why You Cannot Justify Terrorism under Any Circumstance
The systematic, planned use of violence and intimidation to force a person or group or even a country to accept the policies of the aggressor is called terrorism. It is internationally classified as “systematic” because it is usually more than one incident. There is a thin line between a one-time violation of the law through criminal acts that often make up terrorism and the sustained use of violence and intimidation to achieve a goal. e.g., a home invader who commits several home invasions can be classified as a terrorist if we take into account the classical meaning of the term CITATION Kov15 \l 1033 (Biakolo). Whichever definition of terrorism we use, it is never justified under any circumstance to use terrorism to achieve an objective.
From a moral standpoint, terrorism can also take place subtly or covertly, e.g., the American bombing of the non-militarized zones of Japan in World War 2 with the nuclear bombs. A frog having its legs pulled off by a small child is also a form of subtle terrorism, since he is also using violence on the innocent frog CITATION Com17 \l 1033 (Combs). The fact that there has not been sufficient negative recourse in either of these incidences does not say that terrorism in any form is acceptable. Just because little is done by way of retaliation to the subtle acts of terrorism does not mean that it is acceptable in any way, shape or form.
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