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Design Security (Research Paper Sample)


Written about security systems in the given pictures


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Design security assignment
1. CPTED suggests that the design, landscaping and the outdoor of buildings can either encourage or discourage crime. Thus it creates a sense of well-being and security amongst tenants and employees. Natural Surveillance, Territorial reinforcement and Access control are the main elements of CPTED. Natural Surveillance is a way of monitoring through the use of CCTV cameras and light eliminating all hiding places. In the image, this is incorporated where the entrance is well indicated and illuminated by the street light and natural light that provides a clear sight. However, the tree should be cut down since it's providing a blind spot.
Natural access control is the other element where all visitors are directed into one area. In the image, there is a door written entrance; thus, everyone getting in the building is directed to one room. This is a very important aspect as it makes criminals never to feel like they have the upper hand when approaching the building (Deutsch, 4). On Territorial Reinforcement, security is created through distinguishing whether a building is a private or public property. In the image, the building is not indicated, making it an area of improvement. Maintenance is the final element that discourages vandalism. In the image, the building is well maintained having a wall full of bricks, low thorny hedges and a sitting area.
2. To improve security, choose a plan where criminals cannot hide easily and escape. For the manufacturing plant, the first area that needs a plan and change is the Shipping and Receiving. This room needs separation of both activities, and in doing so, the room will have a reduction in the number of workers. Thus, reduction in congestion which provides easier monitoring thus security—besides, Natural Surveillance incorporation by taking away and eliminating the dumpsters providing a clear and clean environment. Also, the plant should be put under Closed Circuit Television to monitor all areas of the building. Secondly, incorporation of the territorial reinforcement where the Docks have a clear indication of whether it's an entrance or exit. Activities diving the amount of worker per the workers in the plant is a significant step that will provide security since one will have a certain number of individuals per shift.
3. Identity is a key to improving security in communities, homes, workplaces and states. These identification devices are, for example, a card reader by facilities to confirm the identity of the person carrying the access card. Besides, there are the Biometric technological devices that ensure security through voice, face, fingerprint and iris recognition. At large, the device is of use in airport security where one signs up to a scheme and the eyes are scanned. However, the main question is ways these devices determine identity? The first way is the Knowledge-based Authentication. This security measure is used by an online website such as banking portals to identify end-users. During identification, security questions that the user does not necessarily share are asked to provide authorization of online activities. What's the name of your first pet? And what's the maiden name of your mother? Are examples of questions asked?
Two-Factor Authentication is the other form of online identification that only requires a password and a verification code. An example is when one has an iPhone account and wants to sign the account in a new Mac Book. Thus, it promotes one to enter a password and a verification code that displays itself automatically on one's iPhone. In doing so, one's identity as the user is seen.
Lastly, is the Online Verification method which uses techniques to determine if a government-issued Identity card belongs to the user? An example is when the user provides a picture of themselves holding the ID card. In doing so, they give a picture of their face, thus promoting convenience.
4. Vulnerability assessment provides information to organizations on the security weaknesses in its environment. Thus, it's defined as the process of identifying, defining, classifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in network infrastructures and computer system applications (Rouse, 2).
A compliance-based approach is used by companies to establish rules of conduct which would result in penalties after disobedience. An example of such an approach is Zero tolerance to interfering with the company's security systems. Many companies use CCTV cameras to monitor these rules, and thus employees have to adhere to them for fear of repercussions. It has a positive aspect in that it creates behaviors that are acceptable where employees respect different goods in the workplace promoting security. However, its negative aspect is that it's time-consuming and expensive to implement this approach.
On the other hand, Performance-based approach is a decision-making method based on the required results, a decision driven by those results and reliance on facts and data for decision making. An example is when a school installs Surveillance cameras so they can monitor students and the learning

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