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GENDER NEUTRAL WASHROOMS. Benefits of Gender Neutral Washrooms (Research Paper Sample)


The assignment required the student to compose a letter that highlights the benefits of gender NEUTRAL bathrooms in schools


Student’s Name
Professors Name
Course Title (Composition I)
Assignment name (Persuasive Letter)
Current Date
Benefits of Gender Neutral Washrooms
Student Name
Friends Name,
Dear friend,
In the recent past, we have seen increased activism from transgender groups across the country who have advocated that the people with a different gender identity from the one assigned at birth be allowed to use the washroom of their choice. This movement has received a lot of attention causing some schools and other social places to construct gender-neutral restrooms. Some learning institutions and organizations have even allowed transgender individuals to use gendered toilets of their choice. Despite that, several states and schools have continued to show indescribable disregard for the rights of transgender persons as those of them who use bathrooms that do not conform to the gender assigned to them at birth risk either being expelled from school or jailed for not less than a year (Gersen). The rationale behind these harsh rules is that allowing such individuals to use gendered toilets of their choice puts girls and women at risk. From our previous discussion, I know you are opposed to the idea of having gender neutral toilets. However, as a friend, I urge you to support the implementation of such facilities in schools because they will promote inclusion, reduce verbal harassment, retain students, and make working conditions favorable for school staff.

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