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Problem Solving (Research Paper Sample)

The task was about writing a 5 page research paper about any topic of choice explaining a problem and proposing solutions to that problem. The research paper required the use of five (5) credible sources, two of which must be peer reviewed scholarly articles. the paper required use of direct and indirect quotes to support the ideas. source..
Name Course Professor Date The Crisis of Child Abuse and Maltreatment Child maltreatment and abuse, unfortunately, remains a worldwide problem that so many children have to experience every year. Child abuse is a complex phenomenon that is represented in different forms, such as physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation, all of which leave deep imprints and considerable damage. The effects of child abuse reach from psychological trauma and injury to longer-term consequences such as developmental delays, substance abuse, criminal behaviour, and inter-generational abuse. This is the shadow that child abuse leaves across whole societies. To combat this epidemic holistically due to its severe consequences, the development of a multi-faceted public health approach, which combines prevention through education and support programs with effective treatment services for the victims of sexual abuse, should be urgently put in place. Problem The scale of child abuse and maltreatment is shocking given the fact that it is estimated that around a quarter of children are subjected to child abuse or neglect within their lifetime. Brown et al. state, "18% of mistreated children are abused physically, 78% are neglected, and 9% are sexually abused. The death rate of child abuse is 2.2 children per 1000 every year. This is the second leading cause of death in children younger than one year old.”  The violence during childhood might have led to lifelong health problems such as physical, emotional, and psychological disorders. Many cases of abuse go unreported, and the victims are often targeted in private. Shed the social barrier and cut across race, no socioeconomic level, region of the country is beyond this scourge. Abuse spans all demographics, though marginalized communities face disproportionate risk factors like poverty, family dysfunction, and lack of support systems. Child abuse followed by a cyclical pattern becomes the most significant public health emergency as well, as child maltreatment turns out to be the most preventable cause of mental health diseases, developmental delay, and heart diseases. Physically, psychologically, and sexually abused children's brains develop different structures, such as emotion networks, cognitive functioning, attachment, and stress response system, during growth years (Baldwin et al. 118). Victims of abuse may suffer from an increased probability of developing PTSD, depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem, substance abuse issues, and difficulties learning. Victims of child abuse may also have problems building healthy relationships, lack self-control, and tend to get involved in another crime or violence. Pfaltz et al. stresses the adverse impacts of child abuse on social functioning by stating that “ Child maltreatment is also a significant risk factor for mental disorders in adolescence, and is associated with impaired mental health and dissociative symptoms in severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders in adulthood” (240). Dissociative symptoms may be caused by trauma, which is a very literal process that has a profound impact on psychology and biology throughout life. Furthermore, the negative impacts associated with maltreatment go beyond the psychological and social barriers by costing the economy. Child abuse lowers the productivity of adolescents and their parents and leads to the wastage of resources through the creation of awareness. In addition to individual responsibility, child maltreatment is a global public health problem that has high economic and societal costs depicted by the gross domestic product. Solutions Considering the devastating human and financial consequences, involving all aspects of society in the prevention of child maltreatment should be the highest priority. The proposed solution includes integrated strategies focused on prevention, treatment services, and system-based obstacles that allow cycles of abuse to persist. Regarding the preventative aspect, large-scale evidence-based parenting programs with elements such as child development, household management skills, emotional regulation skills, good discipline practices, support services, and recognizing/reporting abuse could empower caregivers in high-risk demographics (Martin et al. 52). The campaign of informing the public about the signs of abuse and the debunking of the legend of "acceptable" excessive discipline should be held at the same time. On the other hand, policymakers need to provide support services like affordable childcare, domestic violence, substance abuse resources, and financial or housing assistance to eliminate the family stress risk factors. In education and health fields, there should be an increase in maltreatment prevention training and trauma-informed practices. According to Keeshin and Monsoon, “ Mental health care for children has become more trauma informed, less effort has been placed on developing evidence-based approaches for systematic detection and response to traumatic stress in non–mental health settings. Many tools used in mental health settings for the detection of traumatic stress are too long to be used in busy outpatient pediatric settings" (179). Educators and providers are qualified enough to identify signs, support disclosures, link families to the resources, and create a positive environment that can intervene timely. At the preschool level through high school, the curriculum helps students build social-emotional resilience skills such as emotional regulation, relationship/respect, conflict resolution, and help-seeking by enabling them to develop protective factors. Strengthening school- and clinic-based screening procedures to provide an identification of risk factors associated with abuse is also suggested. Accessibility and quality of therapy interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, attachment therapy, child-parent psychotherapy, and abuse-specific counseling should be expanded and made available for the victims in need of healing and rehabilitation (Nakao et al. 16). Scientific studies show the importance of establishing trust that will lead to the recovery of healthy attachments, working through traumatic events and altering maladaptive beliefs or behaviors. The child-centered and the family-based approaches can mitigate adverse effects and so recovery. While these services are in addition to school- and community-based mentoring programs, they empower continuity of supportive relationships. It is significant to realize that the strategies to prevent child abuse should not be dependent only on aspects such as poverty, discrimination, community violence, and societal tolerance of violence, which all contribute to the continuation of child maltreatment. These are drivers of child maltreatment worldwide. Socioeconomic policy interventions such as the provision of social amenities, neighborhood and community investment, equalizing educational or vocational opportunities, and prevention and combating of crime, including domestic assault and exploitative practices, also need to accompany individual or familial prevention and rehabilitation efforts. Only through the assistance of the environment by weakening the risk factors related to child abuse and by embracing the humanitarian values that the children have the right to be nurtured and not ab...
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