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Training Program (Research Paper Sample)

Final Training Program reports are due in Week 7, and must include information on all the following sections: 1. Title Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Brief desсrіption of the program and audience 4. Needs Assessment 5. Proposed instructors and the reason for using them (qualifications of trainers) 6. Training objectives (be sure they’re measurable) 7. Training methods to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on training theory 8. A tentative training outline 9. A tentative list and desсrіption of training materials needed 10. An evaluation plan (including both short-term and long-term evaluation, where appropriate; see Chapter 6). - This would be the key piece to develop after you have submitted your training project plan. 11. Resources/References 12. Appendix (if appropriate) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY TOPIC: The company that I chose is Sprint. That company is now owned by T-Mobile. But Sprint has been an issue with me, especially when I needed help when it came to my service while I was in training in Bridgeport from January 2022-March 2022. My service was bad, and cellphones nowadays are use so much that I needed my phone more than ever. Especially, when it came to my bosses trying to contact me. I didn’t want to be a burden to my junior marines, because half of them had Verizon. Verizon was on it’s prime and worked perfectly for those that are in that service. My issue is when I was trying to contact Sprint, Sprint did not know how to help me out from where I was located at, due to the lack of the little bit of almost one bar service, when all I want it was to guide me into get a good service again, even if I have to roam my minutes. Sometimes is all about the representative that is willing to help you out, if not, then you are not so lucky. I barely used my phone during training and I honestly want to address this issue due to the lack of customer service help and to always have these kind of situations ready, if I have to go buy a wifi little box then let let me know before hand. source..
Final Training Program Institution Students Name Course Date Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Brief description of the program and audience PAGEREF _Toc106670925 \h 3Needs Assessment PAGEREF _Toc106670926 \h 3Proposed instructors and the reason for using them PAGEREF _Toc106670927 \h 3Training Objectives PAGEREF _Toc106670928 \h 3Training Methods to be used PAGEREF _Toc106670929 \h 4A Tentative Training Outline PAGEREF _Toc106670930 \h 4A Tentative list and Description of Training Materials Needed PAGEREF _Toc106670931 \h 6An Evaluation Plan PAGEREF _Toc106670932 \h 6Works Cited PAGEREF _Toc106670933 \h 7 Final Training Program Brief Description of the Program and Audience The training program is an activity or activities that include undertaking one or a series of courses to boost performance, productivity, skills, and knowledge. In this case, this training program focuses on ways Sprint Company customer service can be improved to guarantee that client demands are met. The program will help employees learn how they can identify the challenges reported by the clients and develop better strategies to overcome them. The training program will also help workers improve their skills and help them meet customer expectations. Customer satisfaction is one of the ways that an organization can increase its performance. Thus, this training program will guarantee that workers can help with customer service and customer satisfaction. Additionally, the target audience is the frontline employees providing customer services Needs Assessment Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is essential since it determines if a training need exists and, if it does, what training is required to fill the gap (Valgeirsdottir et al. 430). Therefore, one of the training needs is training the workers on how to handle issues regarding network and how to guide customers to get good services in different regions. The other need is for customer care to ensure that customer service help is available to all people at any time. Proposed instructors and the reason for using them Having excellent instructors in a training program can lead to its success (Kirchner 1). Therefore, the selected instructors for this program will be experts in telecommunications. The instructors were selected since they have credible knowledge that can help customer service workers learn how to help clients get good service and handle various complaints regarding mobile networks. The customer service trainer will focus on complaint handling and dealing with various difficult situations in customer care services. Training Objectives Training objectives are used to give purpose to the program and lead the training process. Moreover, it helps in setting goals and helping trainees achieve them. The objectives for this program are. 1 Improve how customer services are handled at the company 2 Identify the complaints associated with dissatisfied clients 3 Demonstrate skills to ensure customer satisfaction is achieved 4 Explain the importance of complaint handling to the company and customers 5 Demonstrate how workers can interact with clients irrespective of their mood 6 Demonstrate a positive and confident approach when handling complaints Training Methods to be Used Training methods will involve the presentation of various cases with individuals acting as customers and experts solving their complaints. The simple language will be used to guarantee that all individuals can understand and contribute to the program. This is essential since all trainees will have the opportunity to take part in the program and learn from the experts how to apply the knowledge in their jobs. Trainees will also share their experiences whereby the experts will inform them how to deal with the situations. This will be essential in ensuring that all people can learn from the program. Discussions will also be encouraged to help create attention and interaction in training. This will also create an environment where the trainees can learn from each. A Tentative Training Outline Lesson Outline Instructor Activity Trainee Activity Time Introduction Presentation Listening 9.00am – 9.30am Discussion on trainee experiences of dealing with clients Questioning Participation 9.35am – 10.00am View video and presentation on unsatisfied clients Presentation and discussion Listening and participation 10.05am – 10.30am Break 10:30am - 11.00am Provide strategies for challenging issues Presentation Listening 11.00am - 11.30am Role-playing Watch exercise Practice using strategies 11.30am – 12:30pm Lunch 12:30pm – 1:30pm View video and presentation on strategies for dealing with difficult clients Presentation Listening 1:30pm – 2.00pm Role-playing Watching Practice using strategies 2.00pm ...
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