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Career Opportunity in the Recreation and Sport Management Profession (Research Paper Sample)


Paper instructions:
Students will be expected to investigate a potential career opportunity in the Recreation and Sport Management Profession.
The paper should focus on entry level positions with a career path discussion The career opportunity may be in the private, public or nonprofit sector. The Career opportunity should not include the Professional Sport of Football, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey or Soccer. The paper will be a minimum 4 pages typed with 12 points Times New Roman Font. The paper must be double-spaced paper with a bibliography of sources. The bibliography will not be included as part of your page count, nor will any excessive or long headings or titles. The page count will begin from the first word of your first paragraph of the assignment.


Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Sport/Rec Management
Date of Submission
Marketing Career Opportunity in Sports
The field of sports in context is one of the industries that are drastically growing. Across the globe, the majority of the individuals take part in sports as players and spectators in various sporting activities, establishing marketing opportunities of a firm’s goods and services. One critical part of the field of sports is sports marketing, which entails the comprehension of consumer behavior and motivating the target market share to buy the products and services of the company. This paper seeks to explore sports marketing as a career path and the various opportunities that it presents to the public domain.

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