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Research Assignment Taking A Knee Or Saluting The Flag (Research Paper Sample)


The instructions were as follows.
1. Find an issue that poses a problem. You will need to find an issue that is important to you in a personal, academic, or professional way.
2. Explain what you know about your issue, what you don't know about the issue that you would like to learn, and ask a research question that will guide your research.
3. Begin exploring your issue by researching Todd Library's databases and/or catalog.
4. Keep track of your sources; copy and paste citation information into a word document, creating a working bibliography.
5. Analyze and evaluate each source. As you read each article, annotate the details, pointing out major and minor claims, purpose, author credibility if provided, intended audience, types, and use of research, language, etc. Determine any weaknesses or strengths of the article, and explain how it helps you answer your research question, or if it presents a new question or a viewpoint not considered by yourself or other research that you've found. Finally, determine how you can use it within your argumentative essay.

Taking a knee or saluting the flag
In the United States of America, “taking a knee” has always been considered as a sign of protest. Since back in the days, it was believed that one of the ways of fighting the social injustice in the united states was through refusing to salute and stand for the national anthem. However, the questions such as Why the national anthem and the American flag was used as a focal point for protest out of all things. When social injustice and abuse are put into perspective, the correct reasoning would be to respect the National anthem and flag, but in contrast, the members of the NFL team protest. The thought of political abuse also takes the subject to the elite members of the government in politics stripping off the rights of people and handing them over to bureaucrats. When problems are discovered, a proper research should be conducted to find the actual cause and the source of the problem. However, research shows that conservatives and liberals have a different way of thinking. According to conservatives, they believe that the United States of America is perfect. On the other hand, Liberals think that the origination of the social injustice is firmly woven into the very fabric of the United States. As a result, liberals are more inclined to strategizing patriotism. Therefore, it is thus believed that when sports players take a knee during the National Anthem is a sign of intentional protesting against America.
Patriotism, Protesting, social injustice, oppression, police brutality
Why is the protest a part of sporting events?
Recently, in response to trump’s continual critism over the demonstrations by athletes, over 200 members of NFL players chose to either sit or kneel during the playing of the national anthem before the start of the football games. Research shows that the peaceful demonstration was not a new practice in Sports was not a new thing in America but rather old. Also the movement dint only start with the former quarterback by the name Colin Kaepernicks who decided to kneel to make a statement to the world about the hypocrisy of America which fails to practice what it preaches. The recent protest is the latest since back in the history of America's making of a public statement in the name of patriotism and civil rights (Gandelman, Joe & Moderate, 2017, p9). This paper shall discuss some of the critical questions that led the players of NFL to the latest resistance act during the playing of the national anthem.
In the past century, one of the leading features of a sporting event is the patriotic song. During the stretch of the 17th inning of the first game between the Cubs and the Red Sox the 5/9/1918, Navy sailor of the US furloughed, and the third baseman of the Red Sox sang the military anthem although not as the official national song is sung. Because his rendition took place at a time when soldiers were abroad in a battlefield in the world war 1, vast majorities were moved. As a result of the positive response by the crowd, the song was later incorporated in America's sporting events (Benson, 2017, p12). It then became a permanent feature for football games and other sports during the wake of world war two.
Was the NFL player’s strategy to use kneeling as a protest the first in history?
Since ages ago, Kneeling has been used as a form of both prayer and political activism. For instance, since 1965 in a photo of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. some other activists of civil rights knelt in worship Selma in the name of Ala (Gandelman, Joe & Moderate, 2017, 15). The demonstrators protested against the arrest of over 250 civil rights activists on a march and were later taken to the courthouse in Alabama to help with the release of their fellow African-American registered voters.
Have the football or NFL players protested before?
As per the research findings this is not the first protest by the footballers. For instance, a week earlier before all-star games for the American football in New Orleans, a group of black- American professional players of precisely 21 refused. According to the demonstrators, the discrimination they experienced made it difficult for them the players to enjoy themselves during the weeks leading to the games (American, 2017, 14). One of the former leaders of the Oakland Raiders let Daniels recalled the act of prejudice while he and his fellows experienced form hanging up a coat hailing a cab while trying to do everything.
What about other sports?
Research shows that a significant majority of athletes in different fields helped in the creation of the protest of the National Anthem in 2017. At least the famous 2017 demonstration by the NFL shows the possibility of long-term effects after the end of the march. The renowned boxer and devoted Muslim Muhammed Ali who is not only famous for his world championship in the heavyweight but also for his three times refusal to be enlisted in the Vietnam draft with the argument that, "Koran teaches against the war." However, in today's cover stories, Ali is characterized as a tale of caution as he suffered the "consequences of sticking his neck out," through his drafted evasion conviction (American, 2017, 14). Ali’ suffered the consequence of being stripped of his titles and boxing license 1964 heavyweight crown he won by defeating Sonny Liston. Despite the Supreme courts reverse ruling on Ali's conviction, the example remained as one of the best examples of high stakes of protest), (American, 2017, 16). Also of today's report on NFL season, Kaepernick remains unsigned three weeks to the march.
The perspective is easily lost
Since the start of the knee in the year 2016, vast majorities view this as the form of disrespect of the for the United States of America. Neverthele...
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