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How Privacy Became a Commodity of the Rich and Powerful (Research Paper Sample)


• 1,200 – 1,700 words (roughly 5-7 pages). Remember: the word count begins with the first word of the first paragraph and ends with the last word of the last paragraph. Your Works Cited page doesn’t count.
• Third person voice only.
• Follow standard essay format. Paragraph 1 is dedicated to the introduction and will include the thesis and forecast statement. The final paragraph will be dedicated to a thoughtful conclusion that moves beyond summary. The body paragraphs will support the thesis with 3-4 main points. Keep in mind that while you will never discuss more than one main idea in any given paragraph, you may discuss one idea for multiple paragraphs.
• These are source-based papers. All papers must have a Works Cited page and utilize in-text citations according to the guidelines of MLA 8th edition. The only source you are required to have is the one you are analyzing. If you want to incorporate another source, you are welcome to. Any sources you use require citation.


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How Privacy Became a Commodity of the Rich and Powerful
Do individuals control their online privacy? It is stated that individuals do not control their online privacy (Hess). Therefore, individuals can store their information on one site, which can be sold to other parties (Hess). It means that no single organization cares about individuals' online privacy, but they are concerned about making profits and growing their organizations. With technological advancements, individuals’ data are being regenerated, and both the individuals and legal systems cannot control sharing and the use of such information (Schneier). However, many people do not think much about their online privacy because they also don't want to learn about online privacy or security essentials. It is nearly impossible for individuals to control their online privacy.
The argument: "why none of us are safe from being owned" (Hess) implies that technology is consuming individuals' data and transferring it to a third party. It means that the internet owns people's information, including names, birthdays, social security numbers, or credit card numbers. Thus, if this data is transferred to individuals or organizations with ill motives, people's lives can be ruined. It is worth noting that the right to privacy involves dignity and autonomy, and organizations must show respect. Many countries, including the United States, have formulated laws involving individuals' right to privacy, but such laws have not been fully implemented. Still, organizations owning people’s information are transferring such information to other individuals or organizations for financial gains or growing their companies. For instance, “” was transferring

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