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Research Proposal for Women Education in Gulf (Research Proposal Sample)

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Research Proposal for Women Education in Gulf. Name Institutional Affiliation Research Proposal for Women Education in Gulf. Topic of Research: Women Education in Gulf. My topic of research will be women education in the Gulf. When I say the Gulf, I mean countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Oman. In recent years, there has been rapid external and internal changes that include economy, politics, education, and labor (Luke, 2001, p.109). But education in women is the one’s that determines the kinds of responsibilities and duties they will involve themselves in future. In all the GCC countries except Kuwait, the number of the female participation in tertiary education is above 50% (Al-Wazir, 2014, p.1). The women of Gulf do not have similar rights as compared to their counterparts in the West (Talhami, 2004, p.38). The reason that has made me take the topic is because I believe women should be allowed to have educational rights. Traditionally, the women from the Gulf were supposed to partake domestic chores without being involved in education, politics, and labor market. However, there has been a lot of progress where women in the Gulf have started negotiating for their educational rights. Research Discussion Thesis: Should women education in Gulf allowed as compared to their Western counterparts? Education is very crucial for women in Gulf as the economy and technology are rapidly changing. Women are the first teacher of their children, and when they get the education, they will pass it to their children. Even the way of bringing up women will change when they are educated. Women enrolment in the Gulf public universities has tremendously improved over the recent past. According to the Global Gender Gap Report, (2012) women make about 84% and 76% of the college students in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar respectively (Guessoum, 2014, p.1). For other countries in the Gulf such as Kuwait, Bahrain, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia women percentage in public universities are 69%, 64%, 60%, and 53% respectively. Also, according to research performed by Natasha in Ras Al Khaimah, (2007) he found that approximately 20% of the parents in the Gulf had a primary school qualification (Natasha, 2011, p.1). This means most of the parents did not value women education since they ended up being married. The boys were usually educated to be prepared for leading other people in the country, which is to become politicians and to fit in the labor market (Al-Yousef, 2014, p.6). As the number of women who are educated is increasing in the Gulf, the number of girls joining the higher education institutions is increasing (Ridge, 2014, p. 87). Due to lack of education, there are few women in Gulf who are eligible for running the political office (Krause, 2015, p.1). The discussion of the points in my paper will go with an order of preference. I will first focus on the tradition pertaining women education in the past. Then I will discuss how women started negotiating for educational rights in the Gulf. It is evident that the number of women in colleges has outnumbered that of men in the Gulf currently. Therefore, my next point will be to explain how what has contributed toward the rapid increase in the number of women in colleges. Finally, I will make it clear about the contributions of women education in the Gulf. In preparation for the research, I will research on the women education in the Western countries as compared to that of Gulf. Also, I will be direct in mentioning how women education is taken in Gulf by their male counterparts. I will succinctly show that women education in the Gulf is important. I will then compile all the points in order that I have highlighted above in support of women education in Gulf topic. Carmen Luke, (2001). Globalization and Women in Academia: North/West-South/East. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Publisher. ISBN10: 0805836691. Print. Pp. 1-296. Retrieved from This book is crucial since it shows us how women education is perceived in North/West-South/East, which is simply the Gulf. The primary focus of the book is women in higher education in Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore, which constitutes the four Southeast Asian countries. The book explains how the political, social, and cultural ideologies circumscribe gender hierarchies, women’s educational, and employment opportunities. Ghada Hashem Talhami, (2004). Women, Education and Development in the Arab Gulf Countries. Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. ISBN: 9948005554. Print. Pp. 1-62. Retrieved from This book is important since it shows how women education in the Gulf has been an emphasis done by the rulers. It continually shows us that women’s education became a modernization element when oil revolution in the Gulf countries was experienced. However, the book shows us that there are some legal barriers for integrating women to the economy. Natasha Ridge, (2014). Education and the Reverse Gender Divide in the Gulf States: Embracing the Global, Ignoring the Local. Teachers College Press. ISBN 0807773042. Pp. 1-216. Retrieved from This book is important since it shows the study that was performed by Natasha in Ras Al Khaimah in the year 2007 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Natasha has seen improvement in women education in the Gulf for the fourteen years she has lived in UAE. The book further depicts the relationship between education and gender in Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCG). It reveals that the participation and achievement of women in education has tremendously outpaced that of men in the Gulf. Natasha Ridge, (2011). Why Women Graduates Outnumber Men in the UAE. Gulf News, GN FOCUS. P. 1. Retrieved from This article is crucial since it shows us that family, school and state are the determiners of the large numbers of women joining universities in the Gulf for higher education. It is from this article that we find out that over 70% of the Emiratis in the federal higher education colleges are women. Nidhal Guessoum, (2014). Women power in education. Gulf News Thinkers. P. 1. Retrieved from
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