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Enhancing Literary Analysis Skills of Senior High School Students through Active Reading Strategies and Collaborative Visualization Station (Research Proposal Sample)

The research Proposal titled "Enhancing Literary Analysis Skills of Senior High School Students through Active Reading Strategies and Collaborative Visualization Station" aims to improve the literary analysis abilities of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students in a senior high school environment. This research seeks to examine the efficacy of integrating active reading strategies with collaborative visualization stations in enhancing students' proficiency in literary analysis. The reason for choosing HUMSS students as participants is based on their expertise in humanities and social sciences, which is in line with the study's focus on enhancing literary analysis abilities. The HUMSS curriculum offers a robust framework for developing critical thinking and analysis skills, which makes these students very suitable for assessing the influence of active reading practices on their literary analysis abilities. The research approach employs a data collection procedure consisting of three distinct phases. During the pre-intervention phase, a baseline assessment will be carried out to evaluate the literary analysis skills of students before to the intervention. During the intervention phase, students will participate in dynamic reading strategies and cooperative learning exercises, followed by self-assessment utilizing rubrics to evaluate their experiences and educational achievements. The post-intervention phase will involve conducting a post-test and survey to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention program. The study used quantitative research methodologies, especially a one-group pretest-posttest design, to assess the effect of the intervention on students' literary analysis skills. Purposive sampling is used to choose participants based on specified characteristics that are relevant to the research aims, ensuring a focused approach to gathering data. This research proposal seeks to offer practical insights and tactics for educators to improve students' literary analysis skills through new teaching approaches. The ultimate goal is to boost academic performance and critical thinking abilities in the classroom. source..
Enhancing Literary Analysis Skills of Senior High School Students through Active Reading Strategies and Collaborative Visualization Station Kimberly T. De Luna Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Title PAGEREF _Toc164258701 \h 1Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc164258703 \h 2Context and Rationale PAGEREF _Toc164258704 \h 3Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc164258705 \h 7Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc164258706 \h 7Significance of the Study PAGEREF _Toc164258707 \h 8Scope and Limitations PAGEREF _Toc164258708 \h 9Method PAGEREF _Toc164258709 \h 10Type of Research PAGEREF _Toc164258710 \h 10Respondents PAGEREF _Toc164258711 \h 10Sampling Method PAGEREF _Toc164258712 \h 11Proposed Intervention/Strategy PAGEREF _Toc164258713 \h 12Instruments PAGEREF _Toc164258714 \h Error! Bookmark not defined.Data Collection Procedure PAGEREF _Toc164258715 \h 16Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc164258716 \h 17Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc164258717 \h 17Action Research Timeline and Work Plan PAGEREF _Toc164258718 \h 19Plan for Dissemination and Utilization PAGEREF _Toc164258719 \h 19References PAGEREF _Toc164258720 \h 22 Enhancing Literary Analysis Skills of Senior High School Students through Active Reading Strategies and Collaborative Visualization Station Literary analysis skills are essential for senior high school students studying literature. These skills include critically examining and interpreting various elements of literary texts, such as theme, character development, symbolism, and plot structure. By developing their literary analysis skills, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of literature and uncover layers of meaning. However, many senior high school students struggle to analyze literary texts effectively. This is because of their passive reading habits and lack of engagement with the subject matter. Passive reading involves merely skimming the text's surface without any active inquiry, reflection, or analysis. As a result, students often fail to comprehend the text's deeper messages. The report by the teacher on the Regional Mid-Year Assessment 2023 shows that the students lack literary analysis skills. Out of 61 students who took the assessment, only 21.31% achieved or exceeded the Mean Percentage of Learners (MPL). This means that there is a need for improvement in the students' understanding and application of literary analysis skills. The assessment of data reveals that the least learned competencies are related to literary analysis skills. For instance, self- and/or peer-assessment of creative adaptations of literary texts ranked at 40.5, comparing and contrasting various 21st-century literary genres and their elements, structures, and traditions ranked at 43, writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts ranked at 47, producing a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia and ICT skills ranked at 49, and writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts ranked at 50. The teachers' observations in the classroom further support these findings. Pencil tests and reflective writing activities showed low levels of proficiency in literary analysis skills among the students. Students had difficulty analyzing and interpreting literary texts and employing critical thinking skills in their responses. The low pass rate and performance indicate that the Grade 12 students at Felizardo C. Lipana National High School need to better their understanding and application of the concepts and skills related to 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World. These findings demonstrate the significance of implementing interventions, such as the study on implementing active reading strategies and collaborative visualization stations to enhance students' literary analysis skills. The intervention seeks to address the identified areas of weakness and improve students' ability to critically analyze and interpret literary texts, resulting in improved performance on future assessments and a deeper understanding of the subject. Developing literacy analysis skills is vital for students as it enables them to actively engage with texts, think critically about content, and make meaningful connections to their prior knowledge and experiences. Active reading, as opposed to passive reading, necessitates this level of engagement and comprehension. Küçükoğlu (2013) emphasizes that active reading strategies are fundamental for fostering comprehension among learners, underlining the importance of educators being equipped to teach these strategies effectively. Srinivasan & Centea's (2018) study further supports the efficacy of active learning strategies in enhancing students' learning experiences. By engaging students in practices such as peer interactions, classroom discussions, and hands-on assignments, active learning reinforces concepts and facilitates deeper understanding. This approach not only aids in comprehension but also encourages students to become more actively involved in their own learning process. Baleiro (2011) emphasizes the importance of contextualizing literary texts historically and culturally, as well as presenting coherent interpretations supported by organized bibliographical research. This highlights the multifaceted nature of literacy analysis, which involves not only understanding the text itself but also situating it within its broader context. The Collaborative Visualization Station (CVS) serves as an innovative tool for improving literacy analysis skills by encouraging active engagement with texts through visual representation. By creating timelines, character maps, or scene sketches, students can identify key elements, relationships, and plot structures, leading to a deeper understanding of the text. Moreover, working collaboratively at the CVS promotes communication, shared interpretation, and debate, enriching students' analysis through exposure to diverse perspectives. Research findings, such as those by Allen (2019), Chan and Leahy (2018), and Xu (2013), underscore the effectiveness of collaborative visualization activities in enhancing learning outcomes. Incorporating visual aids in group discussions, using graphic organizers, and generating visual representations in literature classes have all been shown to improve reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, engagement, and personal connection with the text. In conclusion, developing literacy analysis skills through active reading, active learning strategies, contextualization, and collaborative visualization activities is essential for empowering students to comprehend texts deeply, think critically, and engage meaningfully with literature and other forms of written communication. These skills not only contribute to academic success but also equip students with essential tools for lifelong learning and intellectual growth. Conceptual Framework The framework, as shown in Figure 1, outlines the relationship between independent and dependent variables, providing a structured approach to examining the impact of active reading strategies and collaborative learning visualization stations on students' literary analysis skills. Active Reading Strategy AnnotatingQuestioning SummarizingReflectingCollaborative Learning Visualization StationImproved Senior High School Students’ Literary Analysis SkillsActive Reading Strategy AnnotatingQuestioning SummarizingReflectingCollaborative Learning Visualization StationImproved Senior High School Students’ Literary Analysis Skills Figure 1. The research paradigm. Active Reading Strategies: This variable encompasses various techniques such as annotating, questioning, summarizing, and reflecting. These strategies require students to actively engage with the text, facilitating deeper comprehension and critical thinking. Collaborative Learning Visualization Station: This variable involves students working together to visually represent the text using tools such as timelines, character maps, or scene sketches. Collaborative visualization encourages communication, shared interpretation, and the exploration of diverse perspectives. Students' Literary Analysis Skills: This variable measures the proficiency of students in analyzing literary texts, including their ability to contextualize texts historically and culturally, present coherent interpretations, and conduct organized bibliographical research. The researcher will assess students' literary analysis skills both before and after the implementation of the active reading strategies and collaborative learning visualization stations. The framework hypothesizes that the utilization of these interventions will positively impact students' literary analysis skills. The visual representation of the framework illustrates this expected outcome, where the implementation of active reading strategies and the collaborative learning visualization station is projected to enhance student's ability to analyze literary texts effectively. A program of intervention will be implemented. This intervention program will utilize active reading strategies and collaborative learning visualization stations to address identified issues and improve students' literary analysis skills. By incorporating these interventions into the classroom instruction, the program aims to foster a deeper understanding of literary texts and enhance critical thinking abilities among students. Research Questions The purpose of this research is to examine how effective it is to combine active reading strategies with collaborative visualization stations in enhancing literary analysis skills among Grade 11 Senior High School students during the First Semester of SY 2024-2025. The research will answer the following questions: 1 What is the level of literary analysis skills of the students before and after implementing the program? 2 Is there a s...
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