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Childhood Obesity (Research Proposal Sample)
The paper describes the best placed stakeholders in addressing the problem of childhood obesity in the United States.
Policy Priority: Childhood Obesity
Institution Affiliation
Policy Priority: Childhood Obesity
The problem of obesity in the United States has been cited as one of the major health and social problems in the country. The effects of the problem have risen in the country over years capturing the attention of the government and stakeholders in the private sector. Regardless of the nationwide attention on the problem, the effects have not been decreasing or being suppressed fast enough. The U.S population is still suffering effects of childhood obesity with the problem developing in all age groups (Murphy, 2011). With an increase in the effects of the problem, policies should be developed to effectively curb the problem. What effective measures could be put in place to addresses the policy issue? What consideration should be made when developing policies to address the problem? What impact does the required policies impact nursing?
Key Strategies
The best placed policy makers to change the trend on the issue of childhood obesity are educational institutions, the government and the nursing care profession. The meeting with the policy makers would be done professionally. Each policy maker would be provided with the policy changes that they are required to implement in their respective institutions. The format of implementation and timeframe required for implementation would also be presented. Based on the recommendations provided, the policy maker may provide challenges that may face in the implementation process. From the individual meetings, each policy makers would then send representatives to a collaborative meeting. The collaborative meeting would be aimed at addressing challenges of policy change and how each policy maker may help in attaining the objective and goals by each policy maker. The collaborative meeting would also develop collection strategies by all stakeholders.
Policy Maker I: Educational Institutions
The problem of childhood obesity is most prevalent in education institutions. In an argument by Corkin, Clarke & Liggett (2011) educational institutions across the United States have the most victims of childhood obesity considering the age group most affected by the problem. The authors further assert that the responsibility of the institutions to address the problem has not been satisfactory (Corkin, Clarke & Liggett, 2011).
Policy Change Required from Educational Institutions
The first strategy in educational institutions is developing proper diet plans for children. Poor dieting has been the greatest cause of obesity in the country. Specifically, the increasing consumption of fast foods is the greatest cause. In educational institutions, the trend in dieting has also been influenced by the increased preference of fast foods in students. For this reason, cutting the consumption of fast foods in school should be made mandatory. The decision should be at the national level and implementation made mandatory at the state level. The federal bodies should develop dieting requirement for educational institution. The instructions should be made mandatory to abide by institutions. Considering that children below the teenage age group are most affected, dieting in lower educational levels should be exclusive of fast foods. NCL (2011) is of the assumption that dieting specifications from the federal stakeholder would be a great policy in dealing with obesity.
The other responsibility by institutions should be on developing more physical exercise lessons for students. Childhood obesity is largely associated with high inactivity level in those affected. Similarly, the modern day physical exercise requirements in educational institutions are minimal to improve the activity level of students. To address the problem, adjustments in the curriculum should be considered. Specifically, the adjustments should address the need to increase the level of activity among students. In addition, physical exercises inclusion in the curriculum should be mandatory. Educational institutions should be made adheres to the changes in the curriculum.
Policy Maker II: The Government
Over the years, the increase in consumption of fast foods has increased significantly. The number of fast food restaurants and hotel chains has also increased massively. Consequently, the preference in consumption of these foods by the society has developed. The problem is most rampant in children and teenagers. Frieden, Dietz & Collins (2010) assert that addressing the need of healthy food consumption at the national level would be a massive policy option to address the obesity problem.
Policy Change Required from the Government
Firstly, the government should minimize the level of import of fast foods or supplements. The same could be done by minimizing the number of fast food restaurants licensed for operations. However, this duty by the national level could be less functional if alignment at the state level is not ensured. States should be provided with the versatility to develop their own fast food restaurants licensing policies. In this way, the problem could be addressed at levels that are easily manageable and evaluated for effectiveness. Frieden, Dietz & Collins (2010) point out that few fast foods restaurants may minimize the demand and supply of unhealthy meals to the society.
Alternatively, existing fast food chains may be provided with production and supply specifications. The specifications may include requirements to restrict the sale of these foods to children without the company of a guardian. In addition, the specification should address the need to increase the manufacturing and supply of balanced diet to the market.
Policy Maker III: Nursing Care Role
Policy Change Required from the Nursing Care Role
In an argument by Murphy (2011) nursing practitioners are best placed to address the problem that any other stakeholder. Practitioners should develop educational policies for person at the risk to obesity. In addition, general sensitization policies should be done by the profession. To address the problem of childhood obesity, the collaboration between nurses and guardians should be exceptional. Specifically, guardians should be provided with dieting needs for children. Nurses should also develop sensitizing frameworks for both parents and children on the benefits of physical activity on health. Educational options by the practice should be provided for educational institutions.
Empirical Evidence
The provided policy options may be effective and their efficiency measured, reviewed and evaluated over time. The policy on increasing the responsibility of educational institutions can be justified from the fact that the institutions are best placed to address the problem more directly. Frieden (2010) points out that poor dieting and lack of physical activity are leading factors in obesity prevalence. Addressing the two issues at the institution level may be the most effective solution in childhood obesity. In addition, obesity is most prevalent in institutions and addressing the problem at the level is the most effective approach.
The decision to manage the production and supply of fast foods at the national level would be a significant strategy. Consumption of fast foods is major obesity causing factor. In the United States almost 80% of take-out meals are fast foods. The meals are consumed heavily by the United States population. Consequently, minimizing the consumption level would minimize obesity cases as caused by the foods. This can only be achieved by ensuring low and supervised production. Most effectively, replacing the supply of the foods with more health meals would be significant in curing the trend.
The role of nurses in addressing obesity is mandatory. Nurses are well placed and equipped to address the problem at any social level. In additi...
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