Executive Proposal Social Sciences Research Proposal (Research Proposal Sample)
The purpose of this assignment is to formulate an executive proposal for mobilizing an interprofessional team to lead healthcare organizational change from volume-based to value-based healthcare. Formulation of an executive proposal encompasses leadership skills, interprofessional collaboration, healthcare innovation, and strategies to overcome anticipated barriers. Construction of an executive proposal supports professional formation of the DNP practice scholar.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
• CO3 Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare. (PO 6)
• CO4 Assimilate attributes for intra-/inter-professional collaboration across healthcare settings. (PO 8)
• CO5 Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems. (PO 8)
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. It is each student's responsibility to save and maintain all artifacts required in the e-Portfolio (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
1. The assignment will include the following components within 3-6 pages (not including title page or reference page):
a. Title Page
b. Introduction
i. Purpose Statement
ii. Proposal Objective
iii. Problem Statement
c. Recommended Action Plan
i. Interprofessional Team
ii. Leadership Strategies
iii. Proposed Innovations
d. Associated Risks and Barriers
i. Potential Risks
ii. Potential Barriers
iii. Ethical Issues of Concern
e. Relevant Opportunities
i. Strategies to Mitigate Risk
ii. Facilitators to Overcome Barriers
iii. Ethical Considerations
f. Anticipated Outcomes
i. Organization
ii. Interprofessional Team
iii. Personal
g. Evaluation Strategies to Measure Success
i. Leadership
ii. Interprofessional Team
iii. Changing the Organizational Culture from Volume- to Value-based Care
h. Conclusion
i. Summation of the Proposal Objective
ii. Summation of the Practice Problem
iii. Summation of the Anticipated Outcomes
i. APA Style and Organization
i. APA Standards for Scholarly Papers
ii. Level I Headings
iii. Grammar and Mechanics
iv. In-text Citations and Complete References (Minimum 6 scholarly sources)
Executive Proposal
Student’s Name
Institutional Affillition
Executive Proposal
The high cost of health care in the U.S. is a major concern. Healthcare facilities have been struggling to deal with the ever-rising costs of services. The best health care outcomes can be achieved by shifting from volume-based to value-based services. Health care systems should be organized using a patient-centered approach and evidence-based practices.
Purpose Statement
Healthcare facilities have traditionally operated on a fee-for-service concept, whereby service delivery targets a larger population. However, the changing market trends and patients’ preferences have forced most hospitals to use value-based care model to provide excellent patient experiences (Sligo, Gauld, Roberts, & Villa, 2017). With advanced technology, physicians can use diagnosis and health monitoring technologies to obtain personal health information (Garavand et al., 2016). Patients’ personal data can then be used in clinical practice to deliver and improve treatment (Garavand et al., 2016). The main idea is to develop and apply advanced analytical computer systems that will respond to different health care situations.
Proposal Objective
The proposed strategy is to implement a translational health care information model to help health care providers to select the best pathway for their patients. Besides being beneficial to patients, the model will also be cost-effective. The goal of this intervention is to help health care practitioners to improve patient health outcomes while minimizing costs through the use of information technology.
Problem Statement
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