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Gang Violence among Women in the United States (Research Proposal Sample)


The paper is a research proposal for THE teh topic OF Gang Violence among women in the united states.
It begins with a brief background of what constitutes gun violence, why the problem exists, whom it affects, and how it impacts the affected stakeholders. The research question is: "What are the Risk Factors Motivating Women to Engage in Gang Violence?"


Research Assignment 1: Gang Violence
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Research Assignment 1: Gang Violence
Research Question: What are the Risk Factors Motivating Women to Engage in Gang Violence?
Prior literature has established an outright relationship between gang membership and crime, leading to the conclusion that violent behavior is a central component of gang life. Gang-related violence is a major cause of death, injuries, and trauma, presenting a significant challenge to police departments and crime prevention units worldwide. Indeed, statistics indicate that more than 600,000 teenagers seek emergency medical attention to treat assault-related injuries. Even more worrying are figures showing that roughly 16-30% of girls and 30-40% of boys are involved in violence before 17, 30% of the time being physical fights (Forster et al., 2015). Forster et al. (2015) continue by asserting that approximately one million youths who commit violence are gang members. The risk of gang affiliation, violence perpetration, and victimization is higher among urban minority populations. While the disparity is partly attributed to structural socio-economic inequities, the data suggest the need for advanced research to discover plausible long-lasting solutions to the problem.
Membership to a community or group is an instinctive human characteristic, explaining why friendships, families, ethnic, religious, and other types of networks exist. It offers individuals a sense of belonging and identity, thereby shaping their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. The formation and operation of gangs are not different, promising to provide members loyalty, support, and protection, except that they also facilitate criminal activities, such as physical violence, bullying, and intimidation. Therefore, the term “gangs” in the literature to refer organized groups formed to engage in collective criminal activities. Thus, gang involvement is often motivated by the desire to achieve self-actualization by

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