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Military Spouses with deployed spouses (Research Proposal Sample)

CPP: $11.88 Military Spouses with deployed spouses Completed Order Academic level: College Type: Research proposal Subject: Social Work and Human Services Topic: Military Spouses with deployed spouses Style: APA Number of pages: 3 pages/double spaced (825 words) PowerPoint slides: 0 Number of source/references: 3 Extra features: - Order instructions: The group I will be attending is a support group for Military Spouses with deployed spouses. source..
Research Proposal: Proposed Meeting with Support Group for Military Spouses with Deployed Spouses Student’s Name Course Professor Date Proposed Meeting with Support Group for Military Spouses with Deployed Spouses Background My experience leading groups emanates from personal and professional engagements with diverse groups of people, such as classmates and work colleagues. In High School, I was a basketball captain and amassed tremendous skills in group dynamics and teamwork. My experiential roles included organizing the basketball team for training and attending tournaments. I helped plan practice time, keep team records, and select team members. At college, I continued to exercise my leadership skills and expand my experiences in leading group work teams and moderating class concerns. Professionally I have led team projects such as creating procedural manuals and helping my department transition from SAGE Accpac to the new accounting system, Omni. In my community, I have interacted with veteran groups in their government-sponsored support programs. My choice of the support group for military spouses with deployed partners is informed by the knowledge I acquired during my acquaintance with veteran groups. In "Clearinghouse for Military Readiness," The Clearinghouse Technical Assistance Team (2021) established that the spouses of military soldiers experience difficult moments in their married lives due to geographical separations, deployments, and frequent relocations. This paper proposes a meeting of the support group for military spouses with partners deployed outside of the United States. The Group Context The organizational context for the group is the support group for the spouses of deployed military soldiers. The group's governance structure includes the chairman, treasurer, the secretary, and the members. The focus group is the government-sponsored committee that organizes and directs the support group's activities. Culturally, the group comprises members from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, including whites, Hispanics Latinos, and African Americans. The general purpose of the team is to discuss the challenges faced by spouses of military personnel and what the group has been doing to help them. The support group started in 2011 to help the spouses of soldiers in Iraq cope with parenting challenges they face in the absence of their partners. The group is closed and only accepts people with experience working with military personnel or with professional knowledge of military life. However, the membership is voluntary for people seeking to offer resource assistance to the spouses of deployed military officers. My prior role and involvement in the group was mobilizing the members for charity work. The setting The meeting is held monthly at Chicago, Illinois Township Social Hall on 21 October 2023 for 2 hours and five minutes between 14:00 p.m. and 16:05 p.m. The session will consist of 7 leaders who run the military spouses' group. The Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN) comprises two white members, 2 Latinos, 1 African American, and 1 Indian, all aged between 30-55 years. Some select leaders have spouses in military service, while others are trained professionals in dealing with veterans. As a spouse to a Marine cop in the United States, I share the same interests with the MSAN group. The communication will revolve around parenting challenges, and the members will get notified of the event through email. Meeting Goals and Norms The goal of the meeting is to deliberate on the challenges faced by the spouses of American military officers in bringing up their children in the absence of their partners. This aim is appropriate to the group as it seeks to offer parental support to MSAN members who raise their families alone. Ice-breaker Everyone had dreamt of working in military service or marrying a serving person in the US Army, Air Force, Navy, or the special forces, perhaps for the money paid or for prestige. However, did any of you consider the price of marrying a military officer? Raising our children alone is one of the challenges I have faced as a spouse to a US Marine Corps. So far, we have spent 95% of our married lives apart, and I cannot precisely explain the emotional impact it has had on my ...
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