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Literature & Language
Speech Presentation
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Letter writing (Speech Presentation Sample)

write an email requesting to clear my balance because i will not be able to register for courses until it is cleared. please make it know that I am struggling to make it by with having to work full time to pay rent and my car note to being hospitalized every 6 weeks for remicade infusion I cannot pay 3,100. This is my last year of nursing school. Please also let it be known that I was given the wrong information from my advisor when I was told to drop my courses when I didn’t need to. source..
From: (Sender’s email) To: (Financial aid office’s email) Cc: Subject: A Request to Clear My Balance Dear Sir/Madam, I trust that this email finds you well. My name is (Your Name). I am a Final Year Student in Nursing School. I am writing to request your assistance with clearing a balance on my account and successfully registering for this semester's courses. My current records reflect a fee balance amount totaling to ($ amount). From my prior consultation with (Name of office or person), I have been informed that I can only register for my courses once the balance is cleared off. This is the first time I have had similar issues with my financials. However, at the moment and in most recent times, I have been struggling to meet several financial obligations. For instance, I must work full-time to pay my rent and car. I meet my rental bills, and if this is timely paid, my state of housing could be protected. Furthermore, my vehicle facilitates daily commutation from home, school, and work. In addition, I recently incurred treatment costs for several Remicade infusions due to (a medical condition). A single infusion dose costs me roughly $1 500. I have been hospitalized every six weeks over the past months during treatment. Most healthcare insurance providers do not cover the medical costs of a Remicade infusion (Sison, 2022). With these c...
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