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Law6075 United Nations: Speech and Voting Rationale (Speech Presentation Sample)

In this speech, the representative of Argentina addresses the United Nations on several important issues related to Shunibia, Africa, and the world at large. The representative begins by emphasizing Argentina's commitment to promoting human rights, not just to comply with international conventions but also to rebuild the country's ethical foundation. Argentina's stance on various issues affecting Shunibia is outlined as follows: (1) Argentina supports subscribing to International Humanitarian Laws (IHL) and emphasizes the right to medical care as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). They believe in the importance of delivering humanitarian assistance, especially medical aid, to address the dire situation in Shunibia; (2) Argentina acknowledges the importance of gender equality and the right to education. They highlight various international treaties and conventions that prioritize these rights, including Resolution 2444 (XXIII) of the UN General Assembly and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Argentina votes in favor of a special group on women's rights and women and children's access to education rights; (3) Argentina strongly opposes the death penalty and refers to UN resolutions and international efforts aimed at abolishing it. They argue that the death penalty constitutes cruel and inhumane treatment, citing the case of Pratt et al. v Attorney-General for Jamaica and the European Court of Human Rights. Argentina supports the initiation of a moratorium against the death penalty in Shunibia; and (4) Argentina takes a firm stand against genocide and torture and emphasizes the responsibility to protect populations from these crimes. They refer to various UN resolutions and conventions, including the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1989. Argentina believes that Shunibia should bear the ultimate responsibility for preventing genocide and torture without external influence and votes "No" on this issue. source..
Law6075 United Nations: Speech and Voting Rationale Speech As a representative of Argentina, I take this opportunity to thank the Security Council president for the opportunity to address this house on pertinent issues affecting Shunibia. Over the years, Argentina has prioritized and promoted human rights, including strengthening the UN office in our country. Our human rights actions and initiatives are not about complying with the UN convention and treaties but more about rebuilding Argentina's ethical foundation and ensuring that all kinds of human rights violations are ended. As such, our views and vote on different issues affecting Shunibia are as follows: First, regarding the international delivery of emergency medical supplies and healthcare it is ideal to subscribe to International Humanitarian Laws (IHL). Every individual has a right to medical care as stated in Article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights (UDHR), an instrument applicable across nations Shunibia included. Argentina supports any wide-ranging effort to protect livelihoods and safeguard lives, especially during wars and pandemics. Article 9 of the ICCPR grants healthcare personnel a right to security during conflict to ensure that the fundamental right to medication is not suspended. More so, article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), compels states to ensure that people have a right to enjoyment of goods, facilities, and services including healthcare. Citing the General Comment No. 14 Of the UN Economic and Social Council, health remains a core obligation and specifically provision of essential drugs including those affected in conflict. As such, concerning the dire situation in Shunibia, the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the country, especially medical aid, is deemed necessary. Second, concerning special groups on women's rights and access to quality education for women and children, Argentina understands that the norms and principles of gender equality and the right to education are central to all UN human rights treaties. Resolution 2444 (XXIII) of the UN General Assembly, December 19 1968, set the basis of protecting civilians including women and children, in conflicts. More so, under Geneva Conventions, Article 77 of the protocol I to the Geneva Convention 1949 expects that children right to education is prioritized and that their involvement in internal conflicts discouraged. It is noted also that discrimination against women violates the regulations for human dignity and equality of rights. The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Article 26 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural rights expect states to ensure equal rights of men and women to the full enjoyment of economic, social, and cultural rights outlined in the treaty, including the right to education. Additionally, Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of Children and Article 10 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women details measures that nation-states should adopt to prevent discrimination against women and ensure equal rights with men in education. Notably, the 1995 Beijing Platform of Action of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women recognized education not just as a fundamental human right but as a tool to achieve equality between men and women. Given the situation in Shunibia, Argentina is a huge supporter of any initiative that promotes women's rights and children's right to education. For these reasons, Argentina votes Yes for a Special group on women's rights and women and children's access to education rights.  Further, regarding the special group on the abolition of the death penalty and initiation of a moratorium against the death penalty, Argentina reiterates that this practice has no room in the 21st century. UN resolution A/RES/62/149 proclaims a global moratorium on the death penalty and considering the violation of death penalty to human rights, Argentina stands firm against death penalty. With reference to the IBAHRI Resolution on the Abolition of the Death Penalty and the series of a moratorium on the death penalty in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2018, our goal is to vote on something that progressively restricts t...
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