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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Insect pests of rice in Pakistan Biological & Biomedical Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


Term paper of an undergraduate student on the given topic rice pests In the Pakistan


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Diversity of insect pests of rice in Pakistan
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Rice is 2nd significant food-based grain and marketable crop in south Asian countries. Its significance is three point two percent in agronomics and zero point seven percent in the gross domestic product (Anonymous, 2014). Rice crop is cultivated on a belt of 2900 thousand hectares and gives a yield of 7000 thousand tones. Rice is a critical food item in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
The output of rice crops is influenced by many things like environmental changes and insect abundance. The most dangerous creepy-crawly that plays a crucial role in lowering the yield of the crop is stem borers, leaf folders, plant-hoppers, and leafhoppers (Inayatullah et al., 1986; Mahar and Bhatti, 1986; Rehman et al., 1986).

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