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Communications & Media
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Media Planning and Management Communications & Media Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


This work is about decisions made by media managers when trying to convey a dvertisements to multitudes of people in a cheap and effective way.


Media Planning and Management
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Media Planning and Management
Media planning refers to various activities and decisions made when trying to deliver advertisement messages to a large target audience at low cost and in an effective manner. It involves strategies and objectives used in the media to accomplish advertising and business objectives. Its goal is to develop a specific mixture of media that the can help the advertiser to communicate the message efficiently to a large audience at lower costs. Media planning involves identification and selection of media outlets including radio stations, websites, and outdoor placements in which to place advertisements. Selecting the right target audience is also an important part of media planning and management. This paper seeks to assess various media planning concepts while reporting offline and online supplemental resources.

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