The Lesson Plan Education Term Paper Coursework Essay (Term Paper Sample)
the task was to prepare a lesson plan for grade 5 pupils english language class
Content Based SIOP Lesson plan
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Content Based SIOP Lesson plan for grade 4 English classes
(Lesson time: 60 minutes)
CMCS 1: Students develop the ability to describe and use different sizes, colors, materials, shapes as well as detail and use them in different situations.
Arizona English Language Arts Standards 4th Grade Fluency: English Language Learners speak (repeat, paraphrase, connect, explain, integrate) to convey information and understanding, using a variety of sources, for academic and social purposes
THEME: English language
LESSON TOPIC: Describing Objects.
1 Take turns and use key words and expressions in role plays
2 Listen to the teacher’s introduction of vocabulary terms
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