African Denial of Death in Traditional Religion Literature Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)
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The paper is gonna be about a religion other than mine which is Islam. So pick any other religion than that and write 8 or more pages about it. The instructions are on the paper i uploaded. It says term paper
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Denial of Death in African Traditional Religion
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Denial of Death in African Traditional Religion
The Africa Traditional religion was an indigenous religion that houses both African practices and beliefs, that cannot be categorized as Islamic or Christianity. The Africa Tradition Africa religion advocated for unity and peaceful coexistence among the Africans rather than targeting to convert other people to join the religion as other religions do. There were three rates of passage in African Traditional religion, and every rate was celebrated according to the magnitude of the doctrines associated with it. Birth, initiation and death rates governed all beliefs about life in general. Each rate of passage was attached to certain religious practices affirming development to the next rate of passage. Although death in Traditional Africa religion was considered to be part of the rite of passage, earlier deaths were purported to be a punishment from the gods.
In Traditional Africa religion, gods and ancestral spirits were believed to be in charge of the community’s wellbeing, and going against them was considered a taboo that attracted natural calamities resulting to several deaths among the community members. According to the Africa Traditional religion, death before old age was not considered a natural death but rather a punishment from the gods. Although death is perceived as one of the rates of passage by African Traditional religion, they also have a reason behind denying death in their communities.
Prolongation to another Realm
African Traditional religion held believe that death is not the end of life but an extension to another arena within the life cycle. The life cycle according to the African Tradition religion started with birth, propagate to initiation and link the period of mortality through the grave. In every rate of passage, teachings about the traditional life cycle hierarchy were emphasized instilling vivid comprehension of the community ideology about life. The unborn hold the lowest position in a hierarchy, but they are considered vital due to their continuous life provision in the cycle. After birth, the born babies were given names of their ancestors to ensure that the ancestral spirits were present in both spiritual and physical forms in the community. The ancestral spirits had a role in safeguarding the born kids; who assumed their names, from the evil spirits, believed to roam all over the community causing bad omens.T he fact that the ancestral spirits were always available providing security to the living beings, affirmed the speculation that death is never a big deal rather it is a pathway to the extended cycle.
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