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Discuss How Mass Digitization and Global Circulation of Photographs Affect How People Perceive Themselves (Term Paper Sample)
discuss how Mass digitization and global circulation of photographs affect how people perceive themselves
Photography and Social Media
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Mass digitization and global circulation of photographs
Mass digitization has an effect of how different individuals perceive or take into account some issues. The world we live in today is a technologized world with almost every form of technology being digital. However, digitizing mass has different effects on the way individuals from different countries go upon their activities. It also has an effect on how different individuals view and take certain things that happen in the society. Mass digitization has enabled almost everybody around the globe to have access to a variety of circulating photographs around the globe. Digitization has as well allowed many people around the globe to upload photos of their choices to various social networks. Different social platforms like instagram and facebook have made it possible for people all over the world to share photos of their events. This has been enabled by significant evolution in the technology sector (Rieger, 2010). However, the ability to access photographs across the globe has had both positive and negative impact on us.
During the print revolution, every detail on mass was printed. This went from newspapers, photographs and even books. However, in the past decades, there has been a very sharp turn on mass and photograph circulation. For instance, students can now access books through the internet. This has made work easier for them and it is even pocket friendly since one does not have to use lots of money to buy different books. This is because of mass digitization on libraries and books. Secondly, mass digitization has also done away with printing of photos. Many years ago, photos had to be printed but nowadays, photos can be simply scanned and sent to different individuals worldwide. This has been both beneficial and also non-beneficial to us and especially the youths (Young, 2006).
Positive impacts of mass digitization and circulation of photos on how we see ourselves
Free and easy accessibility to photos being circulated
Through the internet, we can easily view and see different photos of different individuals and celebrities. This has been made easier due to the digitization of mass. Several years back, we had to have prints of people in order to have his/her photograph. However, this has changed over the years since nowadays, one just needs to have the name of a given individual and the picture will be found everywhere in the internet. For instance, if one wants to have a portrait of the American president, H. E. Barrack Obama, then due to mass digitization, his pictures are so many in the internet.
Great advantages attached to mass digitization upon the global circulation of photos include; free of charge accessibility to photographs. A majority would want their photographs downloaded without restrictions and legal encumbrances (Flagg, 2005). The circulation of photographs acts as a method of carrying out advertisements to the mass. For instance, students use photographs in supporting their thesis, dissertations or articles so as to show their illustration in a clear and dramatic manner. Regular uploads of photos are necessary to reach many people and to overcome the competition while advertising. The only tool that an individual needs is to have a proper internet connection then this can be easily achieved. This has made us view different things in different ways. We no longer have to spend a lot of money in printing a photograph. We only need a few bucks to browse a given photo and since the photos can be easily accessed in the internet, they are worldly spread.
Easy communication among individuals
Digitization has as well made communication across the globe easier since photographs can be used to send information in a precise format that is easily understood (Ceynowa, 2009). The information relayed by photographs is likely to be accessed by a majority since photos are captivating to the eye and accurate. Photos are a basis of better understanding between parties that are far apart. Description of scenarios of events is accurately relayed in photographs resulting to better trust between parties far apart across the globe. Free circulation has also helped us in marketing. Products can now be circulated via photos. In past years, while advertising a given product, one had to only describe the given product since no scanned photos were available. the speed at which one gets access to important information has increased at a very unbelievable speed. The different information available online for instance in the internet is of great help to the society and it is also easily and quickly available. The information can also be found anywhere and everywhere that we are including the villages. The types of information we get access to through the internet include also the media information.
However, this has changed over the years since now; one can advertise a given product by simply putting the product in a photo form. This way, the given product can easily sell since most people do not write reading information. Most people prefer seeing a given item before they can purchase it. This has really changed our lives since many of our products especially to individuals who are into marketing; have their products being advertised worldwide. For instance, we have the famous OLX which is a selling and buying site. In this site, it is how a photograph of a given product circulates globally that determines the number of buyers that a marketer can have. The marketer only needs to post a photograph of a product being sold to this site and give a brief description of the item which includes the name and price. He/she has to wants for sometimes to see the highest bidder. The highest bidder for a given product wins the product. This has made life very easy for marketers as they do not need to walk around with whole furniture set (if the marketer is into furniture products) in order to have his products sell. A photograph of the product can be easily circulated globally and not just countrywide.
Improved Living Standard
Many people share their best moments on social media by uploading edited photos in their best outfits or in high class places. Viewers of such photos try to compare their lifestyle and living standards with the photos from the social platform. In an attempt to be at par with the their social circles and the new trends, most people will try to upgrade their lifestyles to fit the modern, fashionable life. Through the shared photos in the social platforms people will want show that they are living a better life than others hence continuous struggle to share the most captivating photos and videos to portray a superior lifestyle. This explains why people spends time to create their digital identity through capturing of photos and events that will influence how people view them. However, some section of the society have been very resistant to the technological changes. They do so due to the effects that the advances in the technology may bring to their families. For instance, parents tend to resist their children from using the computers due to the fear that the children may take advantage and start watching pornographic movies other than doing educative things (Young, 2006). This has made most people to be resistant to the advancing technology. Mass digitization and global circulation of photographs have brought significant advantages to us and our way of life production. Reliability and access have been made easier, as well as a mode of obtaining information has become cheap and time taken to obtain the required information has drastically reduced. Majority with such internet enabled gadgets easily access and upload photographs of their desire at any point in time. Photos available in the public domain are a hundred of thousands and are growing daily. The collection can never fail anybody regarding their desire. Obtaining services and achieving objectives at the right time makes life a bed of roses. This has made us to live a very free life.
Advantageous to the illiterate people in the society
Mass digitization has been of much advantage to the less illiterate in societies worldwide. Instead of reading, they just check on the photos that have been circulated through the internet and even also through mass media. For instance, if there is a post about a certain disease, its signs and symptoms, an illiterate person do not really need to strain to get information on the post. Rather, he/she would just study the photograph given and he would have acquired all information needed. This has helped us and our societies in getting free medical treatments even to the less fortunate since they are able to relate given posters with their photographs. Photograph circulation enables the view to items that one could have never noticed otherwise. Aspects such as the play of colors on the water surface as the sun sets are clearly brought out by pictures. The look of sand changes along beaches as the sun sets is clearly seen through pictures. Detailed and unique information is thus obtained from photos (Nielsen, 2008). Memories in life are as well kept by photos. For instance, the human race photos bring about an aspect of evolution to the mass.
Agenda setting
Computers have a great effect on the manner in which the world is getting modernized at a very high rate. Everything in the modern world has to be done in a fast way, need to get there quickly, send the documents immediately and others. The information in the computers cannot be destroyed since they are always stored by the computers. This makes the employees reluctant in getting such information since they usually get them at their own time other than getting them at the time when they are needed by the organization.
The nature in which photographs are being circulated in the internet helps esp...
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