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Fruits and Vegetables Nuts and Grains are important for your health (Term Paper Sample)

what is the importance of Fruits and Vegetables Nuts and Grains are important for your health source..
Importance of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, and Grains Name Institution Importance of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, and Grains Introduction Fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of vitamins in diets. Essential vitamins and minerals are often derived from fruits and vegetables. Nuts, on the other hand, are the main source of proteins which are essential for tissue development and growth. A well-balanced diet should be composed of all the five groups of foods. These groups of foods include carbohydrates, protein, lipids, vitamins and minerals. Grains are known to be the primary sources of minerals and carbohydrates in the diet. A body may obtain minimal amounts of lipids from the starchy grains. However, nuts remain to be the key source of lipids in the lipids in the diets The body needs an adequate amount of nutrients for effective physiological functions. Most importantly it is the protein which is required for the repair of worn out tissues. Protein is also necessary for the formation of enzymes, hormones, and other important body chemicals. It is also viewed as the key building block of bones, blood tissues, cartilage, skin, muscles, hair, and nails. The body also requires carbohydrates from grains for the provision of energy which is vital for metabolic functions of the cells and organs. Intake of adequate amounts of grains may also help to spare protein and fats for other purposes. Lastly, carbohydrates are also vital for the formation of body macromolecules like glycogen among others. Vitamin and minerals salt from fruits and vegetables are also significant for the physical and physiological well-being of the body. Foods are the best source of vitamin and mineral. Meanwhile having prolonged vitamin and mineral deficiency can cause adverse malnutrition while excessive intake of vitamin doses can poison the body. The research paper is relevant to discuss the importance of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains for our health. The research paper will also review the Recommended Dietary Allowances and the health complications caused by inadequate intake of these nutrients. The effects of over-nutrition will be discussed as well as the required interventions to manage food related conditions or illness. Health Benefits of Eating Fruits Fruits are the primary source of protein in the diet. The body needs an adequate amount of protein to perform its functions. Inadequate protein intake may lead to various malnutrition deficiencies. The following are some of the functions of protein in the body. Provision of Structure Proteins can sometimes be referred to as the building blocks. They are good to provide a structural appearance of the body. These structural proteins contribute to an integral part of the body. For instance, Collagen is the structural protein which plays a significant role in providing the framework for ligaments and tendons. The ligament is vital in holding the bones together while the tendon helps in attaching muscles to bones. Another instance where proteins provide structural framework is keratin in nails, hair, and skin (Sun et al., 2015). Regulation of Body Processes According to Handjieva-Darlenska, Hristova, and Singh (2014), various physiological processes take place within the body cells to support life. Protein regulates metabolism process that yields to the production of energy. Enzymes are protein molecules which speed up the rate of a morphological process like metabolism. Food digestion would be slow and inadequate to support life with the assistance of enzymes in the process. Hormones are also protein molecules which help to regulate the activity of organs. Hormones carry the message from one cell to another. For instance, insulin hormone helps to regulate the sugar level in the blood by telling the appropriate organs to reduce or increase the amount of glucose conversion to glucagon. Inadequate intake of protein from the diet may hinder this physiological function of protein. Provision of Immunity The body just like any other objects is exposed to germs and poison which can harm the cells and other vital organs. It, therefore, needs protection against bacteria and any other infectious antigens. There are antibodies and White Blood Cells which help to protect the body against the foreign antigen. They offer immunity to the body. Inadequate protein intake in the body may lower the immunity thus making the person vulnerable to tropical diseases. Health Benefits of Eating Vegetables Green vegetables are good for the well-being of the body. Vegetables provide vitamins which are vital for various functions. Vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins are found in the kales and spinach. These vitamins help to improve the immunity of the body. The cabbages family, tomatoes, and strawberries are among the vegetables that provide vitamin C in the diet. It is essential as it acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidant helps to prevent the body from corrosion caused by free radicals within the cells. Lastly, intake of the vitamin is recommended for the expectant mothers since it enhanced the absorption of iron. Deficiency of vitamin C may lead to Scurvy and other ill-health conditions. Vegetables are also the source of essential minerals in the diet. They also provide fibers which help to give the food its bulk nature. Fibers help to prevent constipation and improve the peristalsis process along the gut. Intake of vegetables should be encouraged among the diabetes patients to regulate the blood sugar levels. According to Bowman, Clemens, and Moshfegh (2015), overweight and obese patients should also be encouraged to increase the intake of vegetables in their diets. Health Benefits of Eating Grains Whole grains are an essential source of various nutrients which include dietary fiber, group of B vitamins, and minerals. Processing of whole grains is not recommended since it may interfere with some nutrient content of food (Fardet, 2016). Whole grain meals as part of the diet help to reduce the risk of contracting certain chronic diseases. Grains are an essential source of dietary fiber which helps in reducing the blood cholesterol level. Accumulated level of cholesterol in the blood may predispose individual to heart disease. Fiber intake from whole grains meals lessens the level of cholesterol in the blood thus reducing the risk of chronic heart disease. Grains are also known to be an excellent source of iron, magnesium, and selenium. The body requires iron for the transportation of oxygen within the body organs. Inadequate intake of iron may lead to the anemic condition (Hirokawa & Tanaka, 2015). The body relies on the magnesium obtained from whole grains meals for the development of bones. People who consume an inadequate amount of magnesium may experience fractures. Food fortification may be used to increase the amount of magnesium. Selenium mineral found in whole grains is essential for healthy immune system. In addition to the nutrient contents in whole grain meals, they also contain phytochemicals whi...
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