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The role of nurses in suicide prevention and postvention (Term Paper Sample)

Guidelines Students are required to complete a Term Paper on mental health, nursing management and available community resources. A minimum of three credible references must be utilized in the paper. The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman font. The paper should also include a reference list. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between three and five pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.). The paper must be submitted through Canvas in order for the paper to be uploaded to Turnitin®. The following rubric will be utilized to grade the paper: General Assignment Obligations Students are expected to complete all assignments on or before the dates that they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date may not be accepted or may be subject to penalty. Acceptance of assignments after due dates is at the sole discretion of the course instructor and Dean. Any lack of completion of assignments and/or consistent lateness of assignment which leads a faculty member to judge that unsatisfactory progress is being made may result in the student being administratively withdrawn from the course and require the course to be repeated. This syllabus (including the referenced course calendar) and/or Canvas include due dates with regards to the completion of assignments. To the extent no written due date for an assignment is in the course.07:15 am source..
The role of nurses in suicide prevention and postvention Name Institution Professor Course Date Introduction Mental health has become a worldwide issue, affecting people, communities, and cultures. Mental health difficulties include suicide, a significant cause of global mortality. Nurses are crucial to addressing this complicated problem by actively participating in preventative and postvention methods. Mental health illnesses are becoming more common, making suicide a primary cause of mortality, emphasizing the need for effective therapies. As frontline healthcare providers, nurses are crucial to addressing this epidemic. In addition to identifying and reducing suicidal risk, they must offer thorough assistance following suicide attempts or completions. Nurses are key suicide prevention gatekeepers. They conduct thorough mental health examinations using their professional knowledge to identify distress and suicide intent. This early phase prepares for focused, timely responses that may change a crisis's course. However, nurses' duties go beyond identification. Nurses actively develop and execute patient-specific care plans. They promote mental health by working with various healthcare experts and understanding the need for a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy. This paper will outline nurses' suicide prevention and postvention duties, highlighting their vital role in reducing mental health issues' effect on people and society. This investigation highlights nurses' vital involvement in mental health treatment by examining their functions. Nurses in Suicide Prevention Nurses are essential to patient care and suicide prevention. Nurses use their professional competence to evaluate mental health and detect suicide risk. They must use their observational abilities to spot discomfort, despair, and, most importantly, suicidal thinking. Nursing requires effective communication and attentive listening to identify tiny signs of danger, even when patients don't voice their problems (Kee et al., 2018). Beyond evaluation, nurses create and execute individualized care plans. This holistic approach addresses current problems and seeks to understand the patient's mental health issues root causes. Nurses collaborate with psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers to provide a supportive mental health environment. The coordinated effort includes healthcare education, part of the nurse's comprehensive suicide prevention responsibility. Nurses plan and implement training programs for other staff members to ensure the healthcare team can identify, evaluate, and react to at-risk patients (Al Harthi et al., 2020). Nurses also do community outreach to enhance mental health awareness, eliminate stigma, and promote resource access. In their preventative function, nurses are proactive in educating. Nurses raise awareness and assist in detecting and intervening in suicide risk through educating healthcare professionals and the community. This complex strategy, including tailored care plans, coordination with healthcare providers, and educational campaigns, shows how nurses are crucial to suicide prevention. Their devotion and skills help mental health patients create a robust and supportive foundation. Interventions and Support Nurses identify at-risk individuals and administer timely and effective suicide prevention treatments. These treatments must be timely and effective in the complex mental health care system. When a nurse spots a suicide danger, crisis interventions begin. This dynamic procedure incorporates a variety of actions to provide timely assistance and avoid escalation. These treatments include counseling when nurses use their therapeutic talents to help patients express and release their emotions. Trust is crucial at this period because it motivates the person to seek assistance and follow treatment procedures. Nurse-led treatments must also link people to mental health services. Nurses connect patients to mental health practitioners and services (Hartley et al., 2020). This ensures that people get complete treatment beyond the crisis, addressing the core reasons and contributing factors to suicidal thoughts. Nurses help build a strong support network that includes family and other support networks outside of healthcare. In addition, nurses coordinate treatment for suicidal patients. We collaborate with psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers to create a complete treatment plan. The interdisciplinary approach recognizes mental health issues' complexity and coordinates treatment across several areas of well-being. Regular meetings and collaborative evaluations allow healthcare practitioners to customize therapies to individual requirements, improving results. Nurses are vital in administering and monitoring drugs as needed. This job requires accuracy and procedure. Nurses work with prescribing doctors to ensure proper drug dose and frequency. Meanwhile, they monitor the patient's drug reaction and handle any side effects or noncompliance. This careful control improves therapy efficacy and reduces pharmaceutical hazards. Postvention Strategies After a suicide attempt or completion, nurses play a crucial role in postvention, highlighting the need for comprehensive treatment beyond the crisis. This phase requires compassion and care for the suicide attemptter, their family, and the community touched by its devastating ripple effects. Postvention nurses provide emotional support and listen to people affected. Nurses understand the emotional toll on families and communities and give empathic advice to negotiate the complex emotions that commonly follow trauma. They help people and families cope with sorrow, remorse, and other suicide-related feelings via therapy. Postvention care includes facilitating mental health treatments. Nurse advocates ensure that people impacted have fair access to counseling, therapy, and support groups (Flaubert et al., 2021). Nurses help survivors of suicide build resilience and mental health by connecting them to mental health services. Nurses help design suicide prevention methods as part of postvention. Safety strategies tailored to each person are created. Risk evaluations by nurses identify and address variables that may increase susceptibility. This forward-thinking strategy makes postvention a strategic opportunity to engage at several levels to reduce recurrence. Postvention goes beyond handling the aftermath to address the root causes of suicidal thinking (Elzamzamy, 2022). Through root cause analysis, nurses and mental health professionals discover and a...
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