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Term Paper: Analyzing Saturn and its Rings Life Sciences Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


I was required to write a term paper that entailed studying and explaining Saturn and its rings.


Term Paper: Analyzing Saturn and its Rings
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Analyzing Saturn and its Rings
There has been many speculations and multiple questions that seek to be answered regarding planet Saturn and its rings. The rings make it the most special and unique planet among the discovered ones. First, it is essential to look at some of the discovered facts about Saturn and its rings. First, NASA nicknames the planet “the jewel of the solar system.” Saturn is the second largest planet on the solar system from Jupiter. The planet is inhabitable and is made of gases mostly, the largest composition being helium. The rings are not continuous and are made of ice, rocks, dust, and other elements. Saturn’s rotations are much faster than those of earth, and thus, it's days only last 10 hours and 14 minutes. Upon studying telescopic images, the surfaces of other planets and the moon looks rough and rocky, full of craters and other rough elements. But, Saturn looks smooth because gasses surround the solid surfaces. However, recent studies of images taken less than a decade ago proved otherwise. Below are images of the planet’s at a close range as revealed by images sent from Cassini Satelite.

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