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Analysis of the Patient Suffering From Acute Stress Reaction (Term Paper Sample)


final assignment length: 8 pages (not including bibliography) format: papers must have title page, be typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, 1” margins, using apa style format citation and references references: minimum of 8 late papers: must notify instructor in advance to submit any late papers, late papers will be down-graded by 1 letter grade interval (including + or -) final paper: the final paper for clinical practice with trauma survivors is a case illustration of your work with a patient and is based on your clinical work with a client from your nursing home. the paper should demonstrate your understanding of patient’s needs based on presenting problem, symptomatology, and level of functioning. your paper should reflect your in-depth knowledge regarding the type of trauma suffered, how it affects patient’s functioning and your treatment plan. discuss type of treatment patient is receiving and critically evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of treatment. explore your direct interventions and techniques reflect upon their effectiveness and success, or lack of. explored patient’s responsiveness to treatment. demonstrate your understanding of trauma theory by moving beyond a mere description into a dynamic analysis of theories and application. evidence of readings should be integrated throughout the paper. in conclusion, be sure to discuss patient prognosis and recommendations for future treatment.


My Trauma Client
Trauma is one of the mental problems that has widely affected many individuals in one way or the other. It is termed to be one of the major problems that can affect a human being since it is somehow difficult to treat or realize and treat the problem before it matures. Trauma is one of the diseases that mostly affects the brain of a human being, and in most cases, it has affected the lives of the victims who have experienced it.
Therefore, this paper will majorly deal with how to detect various types of trauma as well as on how to establish effective treatment to the victims of the disease. Also, this paper aims to showcase a critical understanding via evaluating a case of a patient suffering from one type of trauma.In more precise terms, the paper will demonstrate a greater understanding of patients’ needs with an in-depth knowledge regarding the type of trauma suffered. In addition, it will also showcase the sign and symptoms related to that type of trauma faced by the patient as well as how it affects patient functioning. Furthermore, the paper will also aim at finding the most appropriate method of treatment to cure the trauma.
In simpler terms, this paper will specifically evaluate a case of a patient suffering from one of the very traumatic diseases called Acute Stress Reaction. In this case, the paper will aim at showcasing the causes of the disease as well as analyzing the symptoms highlighted by the patient with a close reference to the symptoms relating to the traumatic disease.
Case Study Analysis of the Patient Suffering From Acute Stress Reaction
Acute Stress Reaction is one of the traumatic diseases that is commonly known as Acute Stress Disorder. In more specific terms, it is involved with psychological shock, mental shock. In other words, it is a traumatic disease that comprises of apsychological condition arising as a result of terrifying, traumatic event or else witnessing a traumatic event that induces a strong emotional response to an individual.
Therefore a thorough checkup of my client reviewed some of the symptoms that were closely related to one of the traumatic diseases. After having asked a few questions concerning the illness of the patient, the following signs and symptoms were noted CITATION Har10 \l 1033 (Harvey, 2010).
* The patient claimed to have been feeling numb or else being emotionally unresponsive
* Reduced awareness of his surroundings
* Dissociative amnesia, this a scenario that occurs when one cannot recall one or more important aspects of the traumatic event.
* Patients claims to feel distressed when something reminds him of the traumatic event
* Loosing Concentration
* Having trouble sleeping
From the signs and symptoms mentioned above, the patient is blameworthy to have been affected by a traumatic disease. The stated signs and symptoms have a close correlation with Acute Stress Disorder. One of the core effects that come along with acute stress action is having trouble while sleeping. One is subjected to a strong desire to sleep. However, this becomes a trouble since the brain is stressed in one way or the other to the extent of even having a headache (Matthew , 2015). Stress can cause the following harm to the body;
* Loss of appetite
* Poor sleep or else no sleep at all
* Headache
* Anxiety
* Confusion
* If it prolongs, one can become mad
There are some traumatic diseases that have a close relationship when signs and symptoms are considered. However, some of these traumatic diseases like Acute Stress Disorder distinguishes itself purely in the very first month of experiencing atraumatic event.
How is Acute Stress Disorder diagnosed?
There are a few ways that can be establishedto evaluate the presence of Acute Stress Disorder empirically. Although a consistent review of the assessment measures is beyond the actual scope of the expected fact, the most appropriate recommended method isdescribed below (James , 2015).
The acute stress disorder diagnosis is made via a clinical interview. This appears to meet the standard criteria for internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity. The interview was accredited to be the most appropriate mode of diagnosing the disease compared with the decisions made by the medical experts with the experience in diagnosing both Acute Stress Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder CITATION Che10 \l 1033 (Cheryl A. , 2010).
The Effects Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)
Like any other disease, Acute Stress Disorder disease encapsulates some side effects that tend to affect patients body functioning as well as foster future effects that may later long be experienced after a couple of months or else years. Firstly, Acute Stress Disorder affects the patient’s body by lowering the appetite of the food. In most cases, the victim might feel satisfied in such a way that he or she cannot consume any food. Therefore, this will in turn cause identifiable body changes. One can experience a decrease in weight in such a case for my clients herein CITATION Ama14 \l 1033 (Amanda, 2014).
Strong persistence headache. In most cases, people who suffer inadequate food appetite tend to encounter issues concerning a headache. For instance, in this case, herein, the patient claims to have a severe headache. Most likely, aheadache might be as a result of theloss of appetite. Hunger is said to catalyze body feelings, if one experiences fever and yet you do fell hungry, one is more likely to experience extreme fever.
Another effect caused by Acute Stress Disorder is aloss of memory. One is more vulnerable to forgetting issues. In a case where one embarks to activities that need critical reminiscence of various concepts, one is most likely to forget those issues due to hyper stress experienced in the brain. For instance, in the case of the patient herein, he outlines that he has been experiencing trouble to while trying to remember something
In other words, Acute Stress Disorder can also make one less aware of his or her surroundings. In the case of my patient herein, the patient claims to have lost interest to know what goes on around the country. This purely justifies the truth of the available literature that suggest ASD causes loss of memory (Denise , 2012).
In addition, Acute Stress Disorder can also cause hallucinations .oftentimes, those who have suffered from such traumatic disease, for instance, this happens where the patient remembers a traumatic event that keeps on coming in his or her mind. This traumatic event might be a physical assault, sexual assault, or else an event that induces strong feelings such that it provokes the normal operation of the brain.
An individual experiencing acute stress disorder also has strong significant symptoms of anxiety or increased arousal. This might be brought along with curiosity to know something that has not yet happened. In most cases, this induced anxiety that comes along with ASD might come bring about various incidences such as accidents. The following might accompany anxiety as one of the serious effects caused by the disease;
* Prone to getting irritable
* Poor Concentration
* Unable to stop moving or sit still
Acute Stress Disorder might come along with severe effects like death. This type of disease might not cause immediate death to the victims of the disease, but it might develop some serious side effects that may tend to increase chances of the patient dying if not given professional medication. For instance, when a patient develops a loss of appetite, he or she must lose the weight gained hence making the body weak. The antibodies will be weak to the extent of making other opportunistic diseases develop. The victim might die due to theemergence of other diseases like malaria, and cancer not necessarily Acute Stress Disorder.
Who Is at Risk for Acute Stress Disorder?
From an extensive medical experience that I have, everybody has equal chances of getting affected by the Acute Stress Disorder. In most cases, this affects anyone who has ever had an experience of any traumatic event that induces strong feelings towards oneself CITATION Geo12 \l 1033 ( George ,2012). If one has ever encountered a traumatic event, one may have an increased chances of developing ASD if exposed to the following;
A history of ASD or PTSD
History of certain types of mental problems
Witnessed to any traumatic event
How Is Acute Stress Disorder Treated?
Acute Stress Disorder is diagnosed by a mental health care professional. The service provider diagnoses the disease by asking several questions that concern the traumatic event and symptoms experienced. In order tocarryout medical evaluation of the disease, it is quite important to find out the causative of the disease such as;
* Drug and substance abuse
* Medication side effects
* Health Implications
* Other Psychiatric disorders
In more specific terms, the type of medication that is most appropriate herein is carrying out a psychiatric evaluation to determine the specific needs of the patients. However, in this case of a patient suffering from ASD, hospitalization is one of the most common and preferred methods of treatment that ought to assist patients with traumatic diseases. The core advantage of this method is that it allows a close monitoring of patients. In regard to that, it also ensures patient who has been severely affected by the Acute Stress Disorder will not have attempt to commit suicide since one is monitored CITATION Ric16 \l 1033 (Richard , 2016).
For this case of a patient suffering from Acute Stress Disorder, there is a need to ensure close and accurate follow up of the medication applied to the victim. Therefore, I would ensure aregular visit to the patient so as to inform him on how to avoid various...
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