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Case Conceptualization (Term Paper Sample)


It is on case conceptualization it needs to have the 1. Mental status evaluation 2. Presenting problem 3. History 4. Diagnosis 5. Justification of diagnosis 6. Theoretical orientation 7. Treatment plan and course of action 8. Human diversity consideration 9. Legal and ethical issues 10. Prognosis.


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Obesity is a global healthcrisis in thismodernworld that affectsbothchildrenandadults. An individual is consideredobeseif one has a weightgreater than thenormalweightone should havefor a particularheight. Obesity concerningchildren is raisingconcerns with how their healthcare and their wellbeing is takencare of. Bodymassindex (BMI), is applied in measuring of weight about height. Furthermore, it is not onlyused to measureweightbutalsoused to determine an anthropometric indexfor cardiovascular risk. Obesity that exists in kidsis known as BMI at 95th percentile orrather above the 95th percentile forchildrenhavingthesameageand of thesamesex. Obesity in childrenis classified with respect to their ageand their sex that is alsodictated by their bodystructureandcomposition.
Prejudice is themainproblemfacingobeseindividuals that start at an earlyage in life. Aclassicresearchindicatesthat anti-fat behaviorexists in children with obesity, andtheyare characterized with silhouettes as ‘lazy’, ‘dirty’ and ‘ugly’. Astudyalsodepictsthatthefigure is described by linesandalwayscheat. Thestigmacreated by obesity in teens andadultsgrows as timegoes by. Arationalethatobeseindividuals are not suitableformarriagepurpose than cocaine users, embezzlersand shoplifters has causedstigma to obeseindividuals. Theweightstigmaobeseindividualsexperience is related with psychologicaldistressanddifficulties. Theinstances of external devaluation can alsocausenegative self-perception andexpression, andevenotherobeseindividualsdevelop a weightstigmainternally. However, thevastextension of weightstigma is developedbut there is a minimumsource of informationrelating with externalandinternalweightstigma(Rinehart, Oliver 2015).Furthermore, healthprofessionals are found to hold a negativeattitude towards individuals with obesity. Physiciansalsostatethatobeseindividuals are found to be hostile, havea poorhygiene, non-compliant anddishonest. In otherresearch, nursesalsohold a differentperspective towards obeseindividuals. Forinstance, nursesstatethatobeseindividualsare associated with laziness, unresolvedanger, lesssuccessfulcompared with otherindividualshaving an averageweightand are also overindulgent. Besides, healthcare professionals are found to hold a littledetailed anti-fat bias. However, theyclearlydemonstrateimplicitnegativeposition towards obese, but at lower levels than average-weight population. The normal-weight individual are mostlyexpected to have a stronger anti-fat disposition than obesepeople. However, negativeattitudesexisting among adults are not usuallyrelated to weightissues. Obesepeople are found to associate obesity with unsuitablecharacteristics that originate from therelationship between BMI and anti-fat attitudes.
An initialpreview that have an individual’s geneticmakeup has effects on weightcontrol. Afamily genogram that understandsproblemsassociated with weightcontrol among parents of an obeseperson, offspringand siblings should be initiated. Afatperson with a familyhistory of obesity existence may develop a feelingthat dieting cannot resolvethe pandemic but may be a gateway to improvingthesituation of his health. Theexistence of otheraspects of patient’s familyand an individual’s medicalhistory may help in findingchances of obesity-related risksfactors. Thesefactorsincludeheartdiseaseproblem, hypertension, healthhabits, diabetes andcancer. However, there are otherhealthhabits that may help in detecting obesity. Thesehabits are theexposure to secondhandsmoke, use of tobacco, drugandalcoholuse, the level of physicalactivityanddiet. To findthehistory of this pandemic, a series of medicationhistory should be conducted to find out anychance of obesity in individuals. However, severalmedications can result in weightgainand can causeweightloss to be morecomplicated. Necessarymedications should be engaged, andeducation about thesame should alsobe provided(Karnik, Kanekar 2015).Environmental factorsare alsorelated to obesity. These can be theenvironment that surroundchildrenorindividuals. Thefoodtaken by childrenandthephysicalactivity in their dailylife is affected by environmenttoo. Thesefactorsare observed in differentsettings that includeschool, thecommunityandalsohome. Forinstance, at home, parents-child interaction is paramount as parents can changethekinds of foodchildrentakesandencourage them to have a healthy lifestyle. Childrenmostlyspend a lot of their time at school. Thereforeschool can providetherightchoice of food that are advantageous to children. Thelack of facilities may causelack of physicalactivity(Rinehart, Oliver 2015).Behavioral factors can alsocause a chance of obesity. Forinstance, childrennowadaystake in moreenergy by consumingfoodorratherbeverages that are not wellutilizedappropriately. Atimeschildren can takemorefood with a high level of sugar, energy-rich food. This willresult in moreintake of energyand a littleexpenditure of thisenergythusweightgain in children. Itis alsodeducedthatsedentary lifestyle is a factorfor obesity. Childrenspendingmost of their freetime in front of a televisionset, computers, playing video games are morelikely to be obese. Thiscrisisis created by thelack of physicalactivity. All these behavioral factors are in a scatty circlesuchthat one lead to another. Other behavioral factorsrelated to obesity is takingunhealthyfoodsuch as energy-dense foodandsnacksrich in sugar.Obesity is a result of an abnormally high level of bodyfat. Doctors can alwaysfind out if one has obese by justlooking at an individual’s bodyanddoingsomeassessments to determinethepercentage of bodyfat. Measuringtheweight of a person about theheightone has is thebestway of determiningif one is overweighed, correctweightorobese. By calculatingthebodymassindex (BMI), an individual will knowifhe is obeseor not. This isusuallydone by dividingtheweight an individual has by his heightusingmeters squared units. Besides, BMI can be completed by the utilization of a tablecomprising of heightandweight. Thiscalculationdoes not consideriftheweight of a patientis composed of thehigh level of fatormuscle. Somemuscularindividuals can be having a high BMI without thecondition of obese. Also, there is abdominalfat build up associated with obesity. This canhappeneven one has lessweight. Therefore, themeasure of thewaist is anotherway of finding out if one has to reducethe level of weight(Karnik, Kanekar 2015).Also, there are other procedural tests that can determinewhetherone is obeseor not. Theaccuracy of suchtestsdiffersandothertests are moreexpensiveand cannot be found in doctor’s office. Thistestswhencombined, theyshow an individual’s visualappearanceandalsothecircumference of one’s waist. Theresult will be reliable since there is a clearindication of obeseor overweight. Sagittal diameter, waist-to-hip ratioandwaistcircumference are theefficientestimates that measurethe level of fatdeposit in theskinandalsoabdominalcavity. Resultsshowing a size of more than one ratio in menor 0.8 in women is considered overweight.Skinfold caliper is a measurementtest that is alsousefulfordeterminingthe level of fats. Skinfold method is a commonway of findingbodyfatcomposition that is moreaccuratetechnique. Thismethodestimatesthebodyfat through theuse of skinfold thicknessmeasurement. Thisprocess can take three to nine differentkind of standard anatomical areas around thebody of a patient. Ittakestherightside that is alwaysmeasuredsometimes. Atesteradopts a smallpart of a skin at therightsite to determine a doublelayer of underlying adipose tissueandskin. In thisprocedure, muscles are not involved. However, thismethod is not appropriate to change skinfold measures to body fat in percentage.Obesity is difficult to deal with, andthe level of success are relat...
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