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Different Ways In Which Women Have Been Depicted In The United States (Term Paper Sample)


This paper presents the PROSPECTUS of a study that will focus on the topic of: the comfort of women. this will involve different ways in which women have been depicted in the united states in a manner that VIOLATES their dignity in the society and preventing them from getting similar level of respect as men.

        Comfort of Women   Name:   Institution:
Prospectus The idea of the ‘comfort of women’ has resulted into different forms of controversy such as those supporting the practice and those opposing. There are many instance where the ‘comfort of women’ have been violated by the creation of statues and monuments which are placed in public places, resulting into increased concern regarding their rights.             This paper is significant because it explains the current ideas and views regarding the ‘comfort of women’ by explaining the views of people in the society regarding how they should be perceived. It is also important because it promotes practices which put the rights of women as important as the rights of men such as their rights to privacy. This paper is important because it presents the current views such as the emotions resulting from the creation of statues which depict women negatively or in a less dignified manner as presented in the views of the Japanese about the experiences that women underwent during World War II. This study is also important because it enables understanding whether the idea of the ‘comfort of women’ should be upheld or rejected as a means of promoting their welfare in California and other parts of the world.             This study will be understood by the implementation of secondary sources of study. The article Argibay (2003) is relevant in understanding the topic of ‘comfort of women’ by explaining the concept of sexual slavery that women underwent during World War II. The article Cheong (1991) is important in understanding the topic because it expl...
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