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Community Analysis Paper (Term Paper Sample)


to write a community analysis paper providing the demographic information of Princeton, new jersey.


Community Analysis Paper
Analysis of Community in Princeton, New Jersey
Section I
The term community refers to a social group of any size and whose members live in a specific locality, have the same government and often have common historical and cultural heritage. Members of the same community have common characteristics regarding culture, governance, and locality. People belonging and living in the same community are exposed to the same determinants of health and have common social needs (McKenzie, Pinger, 2015). For example, if there are poor sewerage and sanitation in a particular community, all the members will likely suffer from health issues that are associated with poor sanitation. People belonging to the same community also share a common community sentiment. This paper is going to discuss the community health needs of the residents of Princeton, New Jersey in U.S.A. (Salmore, & Salmore, 2013).
Princeton is a municipality in Mercer County New Jersey and has a borough form of government. In January 2013, the borough and township merged to become one municipality. Although people of Princeton show a firm community-wide identity, they comprise residents from two municipalities: a borough and a township. In spite of the secession that took place in 1894 as a result of disagreement over school taxes, the two municipalities have been working together in conducting public services. The major economic activity for the people in Princeton is business, and it is number 15 of the top 100 towns in the United States that live and work by money (Salmore, & Salmore, 2013).
The consolidation of Princeton Township and Borough Princeton has resulted in changes in the lives of the residents with some even losing jobs as a result of retrenchment after consolidation. Before merging, there were 267 officials working for the two municipalities, and this has been reduced to 250 positions. There was a problem in garbage collection immediately after Consolidation, but the situation has improved since then. Consolidation also resulted in the loss of jobs in the municipality in an attempt to put a balance between the revenue and expenditure in the municipal budget (Salmore, & Salmore, 2013).
According to 2013 United States Census, Princeton had a population of 12,342 and the population density of 668 per square mile. The median age was low at 22.3 while the national median age that was 37.2. The male to female ratio was 1:1 like the national male to female ratio at that time. 29% of the population comprised married individuals which were slightly lower than national statistics that showed 56 % of US citizens married. 75% of the residents of the residents spoke English, 4% Spanish and the rest spoke other languages. The residents were comprised of people of diverse racial backgrounds with around 77.8% of residents being of Caucasian origin, 6.36% African-American, 11.21% Asian, 0.13% American Indian, 6.3% Hispanic 2.88% mixed race, 1.56% other races and 0% Native Hawaiian. It is worth to note that 6.3 percent of residents of Princeton comprise people of Hispanic or Latino origin. Hispanic people can be of any race and can, therefore, fit in any race. The median household income stood at $43,301, and the average household net worth was $289,901. According to the Princeton 2015 education data, 37% of residents aged 25 years and over are high school graduates while 22% completed their bachelors degree or above (Princeton NJ education Data, 2011). The rate of unemployment in Princeton is 5.7%. Currently the Income per Capita of Princeton is $39,238 with median household income standing at $106,686. Median household income for owner-occupied is $148,571 while median household income renter-occupied $68,657. Median earning for males and females are $16,878 and $4,830 respectively. According to 2013 Princeton employment information, the poverty level was 7.4% (Friedman, Hunter, & Parrish, 2005).
In Princeton, the income per capita is 9.2 % above that of the Jersey while the median household income is 48.9% above that of the New Jersey and 101.1% above the average national household income. The level of poverty in Princeton is 25.1% below the average of New Jersey’s level of poverty while the males’ earning median is 249.4% above the females’ median earning in Princeton (HYPERLINK "/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiWw663j6DJAhWFVhoKHYLrDr4QFgggMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2F%2Fhealth%2Fchs%2F&usg=AFQjCNHFyb39qFbCjtGGxvNqNPkADoFvXw&sig2=pbAt92yomsYUUDmYhUCvFQ"NJ Department of Health - Center for Health Statistics, 2013). The level of education in Princeton is 31% higher than that of Trenton. Statistics also indicate that the overall median household income for Princeton is above that of Trenton.
Windshield survey
Physical Appearance of Princeton
Princeton has well developed learning institutions and recently relocated this hospital to nearby Plainsboro, NJ. The availability of well-established learning institutions has contributed to the high level of literacy in the community. The level of education is a vital determinant of health as the increase in the level of education has shown to decrease the prevalence of some diseases in the community (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2010). Therefore, established education institutes are an important indicator of a high level of education in the community. The University Medical Center at Princeton in Plainsboro is modern and well equipped making it able to handle most cases of diseases. Most of the buildings in Princeton are old but appear to be well renovated over the last few years and are therefore recommendable for health wellness to the residents of Princeton. The sewerage system is functional, and the garbage collection is done by the municipal workers. In some residential areas, garbage collection is done private agents who are paid directly by the residents.
Economic Status of the residents of Princeton
Princeton is a thriving community with all sorts of business including groceries, hotels, and restaurants. The rate of unemployment in the community is lower as compared to that of the whole New Jersey. There are no manufacturing plants in Princeton and residents depend on entrepreneurship and employment. According to the Statistics, the economic status of the majority of residents is good which is considered an important determinant of health.
Public services in Princeton
Princeton has one university, one high school, one middle school and four elementary schools. Every school has a school nurse who addresses minor health issues to students and also provides educational services to students. This has promoted education in the community and has also played a vital role in fighting most of the health risk behaviors in the community (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2010). Recreation facilities include public parks, gyms, and fields to play football and baseball. There is one library in Princeton that provides research resources and internet services to both students and other members of the community free of charge. The streets are well lit to facilitate movement of pedestrians at night and also for security purposes. Almost every household has access to clean water and sewerage system (HYPERLINK "/search?hl=en&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Judith+Allender%22&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiU_orV_5_JAhVCPBQKHe8dDhgQ9AgIHTAA&biw=1366&bih=638&dpr=1"Allender,HYPERLINK "/search?hl=en&tbm=bks&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Cherie+Rector%22&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiU_orV_5_JAhVCPBQKHe8dDhgQ9AgIHjAA"HYPER14 RectorHYPER15, ‎Warner, 2013).
Form of local government
The Princeton community is governed by Borough municipal government of New Jersey that consists of a Mayor and six council members who comprise Borough Council. The mayor and the members of the Borough Council are elected at-large on a partisan basis. Mayor is elected by voters on a four-year term basis while the six members of the council are elected on a three-year term basis. The Mayor has veto power to decide over ordinances that are subject to override by two-thirds of the majority vote in the council. Council committees and other major assignments for members of the council are made by Mayor. The Mayor is also empowered to make major appointments but with the consent of the members of the council. Princeton Mayor serves as the chief executive officer of the Borough and appoints various commissions and boards subject to the approval of the Council of Borough. The borough council is the administrative and policy maker in Princeton. The current Mayor of Princeton is Liz Lempert, Democrat and she is expected to serve until the end of December 2016. Other members of the current Borough Council of Princeton include the Council president Bernard Miller, Jenny Crumiller, Lance Liverman, Jo Butler, Patrick Simon and Heather Howard. Community members of Princeton are represented by congressmen and congresswomen (HYPERLINK "/search?hl=en&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Judith+Allender%22&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiU_orV_5_JAhVCPBQKHe8dDhgQ9AgIHTAA&biw=1366&bih=638&dpr=1"Allender,HYPERLINK "/search?hl=en&tbm=bks&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Cherie+Rector%22&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiU_orV_5_JAhVCPBQKHe8dDhgQ9AgIHjAA" Rector, ‎Warner, 2013).
Vital statistics
In 2013, the total birth rate in Princeton was 102,575 which was a drop from 2012 statistics that indicated 104,230 births. The comparison of the number of births according to race shows that Caucasians were the leading with 48,018 births followed by Hispanics who had 27,251 births, and then African-Americans with 15,570. The least number of births in 2013 were recorded among people of Asian o...
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