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PHILOSOPHY understanding of immunization and vaccines source..
Name Institution Professor Course Date Philosophy Issues pertaining to vaccination and immunization have been a bone of contention for some time now. The questions still lingering in many parents heads are all of how safe these preventative methods are? In the quoted except fear and caution in the immunization process is a force to reckon with. The irony of the matter is the people blowing the whistle on how unsafe they are ill-advised and lack adequate knowledge to support their claims. This baseless spread of misleading information has led to new infections of diseases that earlier were almost extinct due to the use of vaccines. Preventable diseases like measles, mumps, diphtheria, whooping cough and rubella were maintained in a minimal but with the fear inflicted by rumors and grape vines, some peddled by politicians with ill motives or hidden agendas. A clear example of this is the claim that all the vaccines are unsafe. This was caused by several reports of cases where patients developed side effects or complications after an inoculation by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). With this inconclusive report, it was irresponsible to jump to conclusions on the general safety of the vaccine. This was even made worse by the numbers this these politicians have access to. The passing of this half- baked information with the wide audience has had devastating effects. In America, the highest numbers of measles infections were reported, even though measles for the longest time had been controlled through vaccination. The urge to shy away from vaccines should be discouraged since, in a scientific stand point of view, every medical treatment with the vaccines included all have some side effects. The choice is always made to deal with the "greater evil" ignoring the lesser one. This has always been a bone of contention the medical researchers have had to deal with over time, but it has not prevented the vaccines, and other drugs get through the clinical tries and to the pharmacy shelves. With the political games and sarcasm involved in the vaccine and drug administration’s, soon the safety of the vaccine or a drug in the shelf will be proved by the politicians and their allies. Allegations of a United States member of the house of the representatives opposed the use of the Human Papilloma Virus to young girls in Texas, a registration proposed by incumbent Governor Rick Parry The virus Human Papilloma Virus ...
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