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A Letter To My Political Leader Concerning The Plea Of The LGBTQ (Term Paper Sample)


A Letter To My Political Leader Concerning The Plea Of The LGBTQ+

A Letter to a politician
(Your name)
(Your postal address)
(Your city)
To (Name of the politician)
(His address)
Dear Sir/Madam
RE: LGBTQ+ Concerns
I am writing to you in connection to the concerns of the LBTQ+. This group of people in the society experiences some sexual orientation from the rest of the society. Their current situation has not been fully understood by the rest of the society who are heterosexual. In addition, there are some aspects of their activities that do not comply with the social norms. In this case, I am writing to you as a politician to ensure that you enact laws that will protect the LBGTQ+ and at the same time protect the society with different sexual orientation from this group.
Normally, politicians represent the will of the people. They mostly seek their seats of representation from all the members of the society, regardless of their religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation. Therefore, you being one of our leaders will have an opportunity to make some laws that protect every member of our society. Regarding the LGBTQ+, I would like you to lead them in raising their awareness in the our society. Although I do not agree with the group’s activities and beliefs, I would like you to know that they are enticing the society with money and other facilities to recruit and train them on LGBT issues. In this case, I would like to make tough laws to ensure that our children, especially the youths do not get recruited by the groups unwisely.
Having a different sexual orientati...
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