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Looking At Social Transformation In Contemporary Society (Term Paper Sample)


Looking At Social Transformation In Contemporary Society

Social transformation
Social transformation witnessed in our contemporary society leave a thin line and it cannot be stated easily whether most places in world are strictly masculine or feminine. However, most states in the US are still masculine. For instance, in spite of the fact that female population exceeds that of men in New Jersey, this state is masculine. In this state, although forms of masculinity contrast from household to another, it always presents itself as unique and superior as opposed to femininity.
In theatre, househusbands and gay men demonstrate inferior masculinities (Masculinity in Film, p. 1). Often, this faction of men is rarely regarded as real men. Regardless of this reality, a lot of people still are masculinity, as revealed by following example: Men operate big machines and heavy vehicles. Sociologist Gledhill (Pp 12-13) believes that in spite of this sexual inclination, patriarchic society keeps on viewing masculinity as purely sexual entity, as playing an important and direct role in shaping this behavior among men.
As stated herein, from our social context, it is pretty easier to portray masculinity versus femininity as opposing qualities. However, the culture here never offers any practical gender issues unless one finds out some frightening, and liberating, facts. For instance, with reference to the composition of power and positions, it is not merely that masculinity dominates feminism. To a certain extent, a good number of males and females at any time in New Jersey will maintain a hegemonic male status.
In simple terms, male supremacy or hegemony is a sociological context defining the things that maintain superior faction (masculine) in power by making sure that inferior groups promote or at any means accept the prevailing situation. The situation here in New Jersey is exactly like that. Therefore, it is apparent that this form of male superiority is the socially dominant type of masculinity here in New Jersey for a long time now.
Certain technical jobs also reflect hegemonic masculinity dominance. At this time, the majority of experts in computer science dockets and department around New Jersey are male. As end result, most professions frequently comprise of masculine setting in which female staff feel unwelcome or rather uncomfortable. Although this trend generally is not intended to be unsafe for female staff, it makes them perceive hostility. For instance, there are some reported cases of female staff being abused by their male counterparts.
If female are treated as inferior, the society risks exposing into behaving bad...
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