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Enterprise-Level Networking 2C: Handling and Communicating Information (Term Paper Sample)
Ethical issues that come with cloud computing technology
Enterprise-Level Networking 2C
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Advents of computer innovations for collecting, storing, handling and communicating information are changing how people and organizations use and disseminate information. Moreover, they are also creating moral dilemmas (Lynch, 2000). Cloud computing, for instance, has become a preference for many companies because of the cost-efficacy that comes with it regarding delivering IT services. Companies can cut down running costs by finding and paying for resources that they need. With cloud computing, businesses can leverage the burden connected with handling numerous resources across the organization. At the same time, they can now concentrate on value creation and novelty for the business. Ultimately, cloud computing representations offer business agility. This allows for the enterprise to meet demand while enabling companies to realize market expectations with a competitive edge. Computer networks were established not just as accurate means of communication and information sharing but as sources of power. However, the speed and proficiency of information systems, which comprise of local and global networks, repositories, and programs for processing data, compel people to confront exclusively new rights and obligations regarding the use of information by contemplating standards of conduct shaped before computers were invented (Amrhein and Quint, 2009). This paper evaluates the ethical issues surrounding information networks such as cloud computing. Novelty in data storage methods and the plummeting storage expenses have been answerable for the multiplying repositories on individuals, employees, clients and prospective clients preserved by private and public entities. The novelties in data storage have enhanced the violation of personal privacy. Information storage systems are so cheap, which means that anyone can have their data stored almost for free. On the other hand, dominant players in the search industry such as Google, America Online (AOL) and Yahoo among others, generate more than 200 million searches in 24 hours (Amrhein and Quint, 2009). These vast collections of ‘consumer intentions’ has become easy targets of private firms looking for a market edge. It has also made it possible for government agencies and private investigators to mine necessary information about persons. Different people generate computer data about themselves in various ways such as; online purchases, telephone calls, magazine subscriptions, renting videos, searches, surfing the internet for information and federal government records among others. If properly mined, this data can tell so much about one's preferences and habits (Fulda. 2001). This is how lucrative individual information stored on private firms has become fodder that drives big corporations. Data mining entails using personal information that can result in disruption of important normative values (Fulda, 2001). As such, this can lead to ethical issues that have to do with violation of individuals’ privacy. For instance, violation of privacy comes in when information about a person is used, transmitted or obtained without his/her consent; such moves can lead to an unfair judgment of individuals. Nonetheless, when information is used anonymously to make different profiles its no longer connects to individual people, as such no direct violation of privacy as the patterns do not reveal “authentic” personal information.While everyone has the right to information safety, cloud computing undermines information privacy, because hackers and system operators, for instance, may have access to information directories at their discretion (Chee and Franklin, 2010). These two individuals may do whatever they deem fit, even if it means backing up information that was thought to be secure (Lynch, 2000). Moreover, they can have access to information without any trace, an aspect that makes the enforcement of privacy right somewhat intricate. While selling individual information has become a lucrative business for many firms, it preys on the private lives of persons. Companies with 800 and 900 numbers can collect basic information about all their callers. This information can be procured and sold freely, however, if organizations become too deliberate at it, they risk losing clients. This is also applicable to on-line services like Prodigy, which may have access to subscriber’s profiles. Many companies have been gathering the information mainly to monetize it. Privacy is a claim of people, or institutions in determining when, how and to what degree data about them are conveyed. In simple words, privacy is individuals’ right to control what happens with their personal data (Lynch, 2000). There is no right to privacy dimensions in America. However, some level of protection is afforded federal and state laws. The use of a computer can threaten the private lives of people’s identity. The internet generates significant amounts of personal data, which presents insights into their interests as well as personality. The federal and government agencies have been allowed access, verify and even retain individual data. And yet, permitting government agencies to hack and approve the retention of personal web and phone metadata will lead to significant problems. The central ethical issue involved in this case culminates to the loss of personal privacy (Lynch, 2000). This is because government agencies will have access to any form of information about people, for example, websites they visit, people they email, places they were, purchases thy have made among others. Much as people can control what they say and write, they do not have control over personal webs and phone metadata. However, according to the America Computer Society Code of professionalism, it is important for members of society to maintain professional guidelines to improve and increase ICT industry, by ensuring individuals’ data is not used for the wrong purpose. Also, they should not use personal information to discriminate them, since Code on professionalism stipulates the opposite. In other words, all persons have the right to equal treatment. Discrimination is no...
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