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Difference Between Data And Information With Reference WM (Term Paper Sample)


The Managing Director of WM Pressings has asked you to investigate the issue and to identify the reasons for the issues being experienced.
The first task you have undertaken is to collate the table below showing the name of the manufacturer for each of the ten parts above that were shown in the previous table on quality issues.

Data and information analysis
Difference between data and information with reference from WM pressings case study
Data is a collection of facts such as words, observations, numbers, measurements or even just descriptions of things. It is usually collected by direct observation and it can done so by either census or sampling. By census we collect data for every member of the group or population while in sampling we collect data for selected members of the group. Examples of data in WM pressings case study is….Data can be categorized as either quantitative or qualitative. Examples of qualitative data given or described in the WM pressings include the names of their customers, the location of their clients and description of the dies and press. On the other hand examples of quantitative analysis on this company include the number of parts, total annual volume of pressings, press id number, die id number, internal rejections and finally component weight.
Information can be defined as data that’s accurate and timely, precise and organized for a purpose, presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance and can lead to an increase in understanding and decline in uncertainty. It is usually valuable because it can affect behavior, a decision or an outcome. For example in our case study we see that the sales of the enterprise are beginning to decrease, and this can be related to lack of flow of information from down upwards as we that press controller usually gives vital information when one of the presses goes down, and he reports no action is taken until the problems become very dangerous that’s when the top management sees that the information that was given by the press controller was indeed crucial. Information is valued because it can affect  HYPERLINK "/definition/behavior.html" behaviour, a  HYPERLINK "/definition/decision.html" decision, or an outcome. For example, if a  HYPERLINK "/definition/manager.html" manager is told his or her  HYPERLINK "/definition/company.html" company's  HYPERLINK "/definition/net-profit.html" net profit decreased in the past  HYPERLINK "/definition/month.html" month, he or she may use this information as a reason to cut  HYPERLINK "/definition/financial.html" financial  HYPERLINK "/definition/spend.html" spending for the next month. A piece of information is commonly considered valueless if, after receiving it, things remain unchanged. For the decisions to be meaningful, information must be accurate, timely and should be complete.
We frequently hear the words Data and Information used as if they are the same thing. Data and information are interrelated There is a big difference between data and information. Data are the details or facts from which information is derived. For data to become information it needs to be put into context otherwise, it would be rendered ineffective. There are numerous similarities between data and information but on this paper we will just mention a few. First data is a building block while information gives meaning and context. Information is a snapshot of particular data at a single point while data keeps on changing as more of it comes in. for example, the data of the WM pressing company from the tables records based on the data given the company management can be able to get information that can influence the decision-making of the enterprise. Data usually becomes information which in turn is processed as knowledge then finally manifested in physical ways as decisions and actions thus helping the company to improve in production and sales thus gaining a competitive advantage against other rival or competing for automotive production firms. We frequently hear the words Data and Information used as if they are the same thing. Data and information are interrelated
Two types of data are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data is referred to as information about quantities that is information that can be written down with numbers and measured. Examples of quantitative data are one's shoe size, one's height, and one length of the arm. On the other hand, qualitative data is information about qualities that is information that can’t be measured. Examples include the color of the sky, the softness of a dog, and the color of one’s eyes.
Also, there are three further examples of data types that are data of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. First data are the convictions of the receiver, second order data are the claims from the source, and third order data are the opinions of other as cited from the source. On information, it can further be added to the private and public information.
Sources of information for the quality issue at WM pressings
For any company it is vital for them to be aware of the source of information, how to access it, is it through manual records like files and receipts, is it through the use of the internet and finally how best to use that information for the company to be able to make strategic and logical decisions. The company or the management of the business must also be able to scrutinize the sources of the information to check or verify whether they are relevant and suitable to be included in their work.
When looking for the sources the company should focus on the three that is the primary source, secondary source, and tertiary source. A major document is written at the time of an event or a period of research, and they include letters, texts, speeches, interviews, diaries and so on. Secondary documents are written after an event that is they provide an interpretation. They are likely to contain observations that are subjective and tend to be biased as they try to explain an event. Tertiary documents act as pointers to primary and secondary documents and are in fixed record form. Examples include directories, bibliographies and indexes and other recorded information. It can be of great importance checking or referring to recorded information of events as it helps one to know the history of the company and thus assist in knowing the progress of the company thus predicting and knowing its future. It’s always worth one's time discussing one's study or research with colleagues, family and friends as each one of them will have an interesting point of view that may be able to assist with sourcing of information.
The are many types of sources one discovers when doing their research however one should know the strengths and the weaknesses inherent in each of these sources of information for one to be able in the end to make informed decisions in one selection. This, in turn, assists one to know the most and least valuable source the key thing should be aware when a type of source appears in the information cycle that can help one to select the best source for one's research or analyzes. The first and foremost would be books which are usually best as they have comprehensive information about the topic, background and historical. Books often place events into some historical context and provide broad overviews of events. The other source one ought to consider is the professional or trade magazine as they are best known for in-depth information, they have articles written by professionals, they also have charts and graphs. Trade magazines are often narrow in a topic, is peer reviewed, is intended for other scholars, professionals and researchers in the field. The third source of information could be the newspaper which is best known for daily and up to date information, localized information and events. The report in the journal includes statistics, photographs, and editorial coverage. It also includes quotes from experts or professionals, state officials and is usually intended for a general audience. Last but not least source of information should be the people that work in the vicinity of the organization and with our case study, it’s where it primarily focuses. It is evident from the interviews of the key or top management of WM Pressings Company limited. They all give their account on how they operate in the organization.
The criteria one should use to choose the best is by first knowing the efficiency of the source that is how well they are familiar with the event that is being researched on, second criteria should be the timing, and the information given by the source should come at an appropriate time never too late.
Key findings relating to the quality issue
The WM Pressings Company limited ideally strikes a balance when keeping client records and only records relevant matters and frequently involves the client in record keeping. Examples of documents include WM Pressings main customers table, the top ten quality issue for December 2015 table, table for the name of the manufacturer for each of the ten parts and finally the table for vehicle customer service.
The factory manager, on the other hand, gives out a table for any rejected parts before they left the WM Pressings factory. It summarizes that only a few of the press that is P1, P2, P3 and P8 and dies that is 29, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 43, 46, 87, 88 and 190 meaning the rest have broken down and have not been repaired or replaced with new ones. This, in turn, affects the quality of production which will be low and in return causes an increase in internal rejects as of December 2015.
Once the quality manager has been interviewed the following conclusions and analyzes can be drawn from his answers. His opinion about the issues causing the customer returns is that it's optimal they are operating at a comparable level to other similar suppliers in the automotive industry that means he has information on competing companies, and the market is not doing that well. His thoughts on warranty data he dismisses it saying it’s not part of his field and that he only focuses on customer returns. On the question on issues that happe...
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