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Role of Technology in Redefining Learning space Education Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


highlight how technology has redefined the learning space; whether this has made education easier and the necessary skills for the 21st Century learner.


(Instructors’ name)
Role of Technology in Redefining Learning space
The clamour to revolutionize the education system to meet the needs of the 21st century has been an everyday discourse for a very long time. To many educationists, the traditional way of teaching and learning represents an outdated and failed education system. The main target of this criticism has been the traditional classroom, the common consensus being the need to redesign and restructure learning spaces to fit the contemporary learner’s needs. In fact, according to educational commentaries, the classroom has been obsolete for a long time and is the main symbol of a failed education system CITATION Pra20 \l 2057 (Nair). Like in many other fields, technology has and ought to be the centre of the revolution of the teaching and learning, especially in the redesigning of learning spaces. This essay will highlight how technology has redefined the learning space; whether this has made education easier and the necessary skills for the 21st Century learner.
Technology has enabled broad access to learning resources. Traditionally, learning was confined in physical walls with a teacher taking the role of the primary source of knowledge. The internet has, however, made the exercise more learner-centred and personalizedCITATION Vít15 \p 3768 \l 2057 (Dočekala and Tulinská 3768). Through the internet, learners can access information, share it and debate ideas with their peers and teachers. Learners at their own time can take in this information without having to wait for a teacher in some enclosed room. Additionally, the internet provides a wider range of learning resources making learning now richer than previously where learner depended on the teacher and a limited set of resources. The teacher currently is thus more of a moderator rather than the sole source of knowledge like it was the case previously. Students are, therefore, much more involved in learning than in the traditional system.

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