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Compare and Contrast (Term Paper Sample)
the sample is about comparing and contrasting the behavior and treatment of dolphins in captivity and the wild. the client did not require a title page and no minimum number of sources were specified. source..
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4 August 2016
Comparing and Contrasting the Behavior and Treatment of Dolphins in the Wild and Captivity
Dolphins are loveable mammals that have captured the hearts of kids and adults from all over the world. They are gentle creatures being held in captivity or can be found in the wild.
The dolphins held in captivity are placed in small enclosures, which keeps them from diving deeply or swimming for long distances in a straight line. When this is done to a dolphin, it is deprived of freely mingling with other dolphins. This setting can sometimes place them in an unlikely situation where they have to mix with other species they are not compatible with.
According to Dolphins in Captivity web site, "One of the tragedies of captive dolphins is how they are captured." Majority of dolphins get hunted down from their pods by helicopters and some result to using explosives. Dolphins in commercial shows look friendly and funny, but there is a sad truth behind this. SOS Dolphins web site stated that "Dolphinaria give their animals Valiums and other drugs to prevent them from showing abnormal behaviors." Aggression of male dolphins are prevented because of the steroids being given to them so they are tame while performing. Since they have to entertain tourists the whole day, without being given the chance to swim freely like in the wild, they can feel boredom which causes them to get frustrated and become hostile. The natural personalities of dolphins, which are having strength in one's self and having foresight are compromised because they are suspended to act in certain ways to entertain audiences. Dolphins are known to make their own choices while being in the wild because 80% to 90% of the time they are underwater, and keeping them in tanks is in total contrast of this.
The dolphins experience artificial lighting, sounds, and they are not swimming in natural seawater if they are in a pool. They are born to live in seawater or else they get a mixture of freshwater, salt, and chemicals if captured by humans, which is unsafe to their health.
The anatomy and digestive system of dolphins are structured to eat fish, invertebrates, and smaller mammals. Captured dolphins are given different kinds of dead fish, which are most of the time given during training as a reward. Dolphins are smart enough to hunt on their own and if they are fed with dead fish, all the vitamins are lost that they also need for a stronger immune system.
The interactive programs also put stress on the dolphins because people are given permission to "ride" dolphins. Aside from the limitations placed on them, riding dolphins is intrusive and dangerous for them. T...
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