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Same Sex Marriage (Term Paper Sample)


this paper discusses about same-sex marriage. it gives an argument to propose and oppose same-sex marriage.

Many people believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. It is a defined as social union between two people who come together and decided to live as husband and wife. These people have different reasons why they want to live together. Some want companion, other to have children and so on. Same-sex marriage is the marriage between two people of the same sex, that is, between a woman and a woman or a man and a man (George 45). Many communities globally have opposed this form of marriage. Some has considered it as a taboo while others have strictly forbidden it. However many people are practicing this marriage despite it been illegal.
Democracy is a form of government where the citizens of the country have equal rights. They have equal contribution to decision making on issues that are affecting them. This form of government allows its citizen to participate equally either directly or indirectly (Corvine 23).
Argument proposing same-sex marriage
People who are married enjoy benefit such as joint ownership, medical cover etc. If two people of the same sex are allowed to marry each other, they would also enjoy many benefits together (Corvine 56).
A society where there are many people who are practising same-sex marriage, there is birth control. This is because as we all knew, conception to takes place when a man and a woman have sexual intercourse and not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage can be used as a way of runaway from population growth. Many persons on earth only contribute to global warming and more usage of valuable resources (George 100).
The law that is against same-sex marriage only discriminate people practising it. The natural law extremely narrows the view of valuable sexual activity as the only that it is open for procreation within permanent heterosexual marriage. According to lawyers, homosexual act cannot do more than provide individual gratification. Homosexual sex just like heterosexual sex, good will and expression are expressed. There is mutual benefit as the two people help in work and they share domestic tasks (Lehey 200).
The problem associated with same-sex marriage as many peoples say is that it harms the society. Marriage plays a major role in the society and, it is a valuable institution. Opponent urges that same-sex marriage devalue marriage itself. They also say that it undermines marriage as the guy people make mockery of heterosexual marriage (Corvine 60)
Some argument on guy marriage state that same sex marriage has the same stabilizing and beneficial effect on the society. The argument says that homosexual marriage helps in stabilizing the homosexual community, promote family values that the community would benefit from them (George 106). They provide love and, they nurture children who would otherwise not have them; this in general benefits the whole society.
Setting rules that are against same-sex marriage stigmatizes gay and lesbian families as inferior and sends messages that they are not acceptable. This make them feel discriminated in the society. Every person has a right to marry whoever he or she wishes and she loves (George 107).
Same- sex marriage can bring financial gain to state and the local government. Revenue from this homosexual marriage comes from marriage licence, higher income taxes and decrease in costs for benefits programs. This money collected improves the economy of the country (Lehey 452).
Homosexual marriage make is easier for a same-sex couple to adopt children(Lehey 249). In June 2010, a study published in US stated that more than 100,000 children were waiting to be adopted. Research found that children from same-sex marriage were rated higher on both social and academic competences compared with those from heterosexual family. The study also stated that children adopted by gay fathers were well adjusted as those adopted by heterosexual families (Lehey 254).
Marriage has been known to provide physical and psychological health benefit. A research conducted showed that refusing people of the same sex who are in love to marry cause harmful psychological effects. According to American Psychological Association, allowing people of them same sex to marry give them access to social support that strengthens heterosexual marriage (Sullivan 123).
Marriage is not all about reproduction. If it was, then infertile people would be allowed to marry. The ability to gets children is not a qualification of marriage. Hence people who love each other and are of the same sex should be allowed to marry. This is because their main agenda is not to bring forth children (Sullivan 125).
Same-sex marriage reduces the chance of divorce. An example is Massachusetts. It was the first state to legalize gay and lesbian marriage in 2004. In the year 2008, it had the lowest divorce rate. This rate had decreased with a margin of 20% from 2003 to 2008. In 1998, Alaska prohibited gay marriage and there was an increase of 17.2% increase of divorce rate (Lee 450).
Legalizing same-sex marriage cannot harm heterosexual marriage or family values. Same-sex marriage does not in any way. The two forms of marriage do not interfere with one another (Lee 451).
Argument against same-sex marriage
Valuable sexual activity takes place only within a permanent heterosexual marriage. It involves total mutual self giving (Wardle 302). One of the main aims of marriage is procreation. This can only happen to a marriage between a man and a woman. In same sex marriage there is no chance of the two people to give birth, biologically it is not possible. Allowing same-sex marriage would only shift the purpose from procreation to self gratification.
Same-sex marriage is against beliefs of many religious groups. The Presbyterian, catholic, Methodist, Baptist and Islamic are all against same-sex marriage (Wardle 326). Christians believe that God created man and woman for procreation and for companionship. They also believe that people are to give birth to fill the earth as per God’s requires them. Homosexual relationship is exactly the opposite of what God has ordained. According to the traditional understanding of marriage, it purposes is to bring fourth children. According to them, the reason for a spouse to perform sexual acts is to consummate their marriage.
Marriage is understood as one-flesh union of persons. Children conceived in this union are considered as gifts. These children add value on their marriage. In a community where heterosexual marriage is encouraged, there is an expansion of the community. Two people who are homosexuality lack a psychological prerequisite to enter into a marital relationship. They are unable to relate with people of the opposite sex. They find themselves always attracted to people of their own sex.
Homosexuality weakens the definition and respect for institution marriage. If homosexuality is allowed, there would be an increase of joker and non serious marriages. People who are friends would agree to be homosexual so as they can save on taxes. Marriage is considered to be sacred in most countries and, much society considers marriage for only a man and a woman.
Homosexuality weakens traditionally family values that are so essential. For many years, different communities have had their marriage values. They also have practices and procedure that people who were about to get married followed. Introducing another form of marriage to them is not acceptable. From the definition of marriage, that marriage is defined as a union between one woman and one man. This simply implies that a union between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is not marriage. This makes homosexual marriage unacceptable
Philosophers such as John Finnis, Germain Grisez, and Robert George say that some people are homosexual by nature. Finnis urges that homo-sexuality is hostile to the understanding of people who are against it and who are willi...
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