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How Domestic Violence Affects Children’s Well Being in the Family? (Term Paper Sample)


How Domestic Violence Affects Children’s Well Being in the Family?


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How Domestic Violence Affects Children’s Well Being in the Family?
Domestic violence represents the incidences of threatening and controlling behavior within the family. The growing awareness of emotional harm caused by domestic violence generates concerns regarding child protection rights. Since intra-familial violence is detrimental to child growth and development, its public health ramifications have been recognized in the medical sector. Medical literature has focused on the primary victims of violence at home: the children. Knowing the lasting effects of emotional and psychological trauma on children following domestic abuse requires shielding them from abuse. Experiencing violence at home sets the stage for children’s development path up to adulthood (Sullivan 124). For example, male children might be inclined to physically abuse their future marriage partners after watching the fathers doing it. Therefore, children deserve a secure and nurtured environment free from violence. The immediate and long-term effects of violence in the family on children can be detrimental to their well-being and establish healthy relationships. Domestic 

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