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Increasing Islamophobia in France: Oppressing Rules Against Hijabs (Term Paper Sample)


Increasing Islamophobia in France, oppressing rules against hijabs
You will need to present your side of the argument, as well as acknowledge the opposing side in a separate paragraph or two. You must make a claim or argument about your topic—that will be your thesis statement/s. For example, "Rap music demeans and objectifies women". Someone else must be able to argue an opposing position. Thus, for example, the child sex trade in Thailand is probably not a good topic, because, although some poor families may benefit financially from the sale of their children to traders, it's a pretty dubious argument. Do not use "I' for thesis statements in this essay.


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Increasing Islamophobia in France, oppressing rules against hijabs
Modernization and globalization have affected countries in different ways bring changes in culture, trade, education system, infrastructure, and communication. Globalization and modernization have positive and negative effects although the former outweighs the latter. It is almost impossible to prevent globalization and modernization especially in the era when technology is so advanced and is still projected to advance. France is one of the countries that have experienced modernization and globalization in many ways just like other nations. However, terrorism has hit the country for the longest time and has had adverse effects on the country’s economy. Wolfreys and Wolfreys (37) argue that modernization in French has affected France’s cultural values built on unity. For instance, the French language was to be used in national proceedings as a symbol of unity. However, after a terror attack that occurred in Nice, France, the culture of unity was affected. Muslims were marked as agents of terror attacks hence leading to change in policies. One of the policies was to ban the use of burkini in swimming pools or beaches (Dell'Isola 13). Women were affected by this law because it is against their religion to expose their bodies. The latest law banned the use of hijabs in public among children of 18 years and below. The ban on hijabs is an oppressive and discriminatory symbol that increases Islamophobia in France. 
The ban of hijabs for children under the age of 18 aimed at promoting secularism and preventing Islamic-related terror attacks. The ban was passed as a bill in 2021 under the anti-separatism bill which aimed at restricting the use of religious symbols in schools and limiting social media networks and websites from spreading hate speech (Diallo). The bill aimed at reducing discrimination and separation of people to enhance France’s culture of unity. The law is not new because it is an extension of a bill passed in 2010 which stated that people should not wear any clothing that concealed their faces in public (Lopez). Consequently, the Muslims especially the women were affected by this bill because the face veil is also known as the niqab. The current law has banned hijabs on children under 18 and all parents accompanying them for school trips or sporting activities. The bill has drawn the attention of the international community because it does not consider human rights or freedom. The French government has supported the bail saying that it is a legitimate bill to support French secularism and republican values (Wolfreys and Wolfreys 7). On the other hand, Muslims argue that they are part of France and that they observe the values in all ways.
Muslims are the largest minority group in France. Research shows that there are approximately 5 million Muslims in France. Women have faced discrimination thus limiting them from 

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