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Final paper on EU Foreign Policy Term Paper Assignment (Term Paper Sample)


Paper analyses External Relations of EU its characteristics and Challenges.

Comenius University of Bratislava
Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
Institute of European Studies and International Relations
External Relations and ESDP
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the EU as a foreign policy actor
Subject: EU Policies, Winter Semester 2014/2015
Student: Bc. Danilo Hinic MA1
This paper will assess strengths and weaknesses of EU as a foreign policy actor. We will see that from different points of view strength and weakness of EU is differently perceived. Firstly to have clearer picture about EU as a foreign policy actor, its interests and approach towards foreign affairs we will present main facts and principles of CFSP and ESDP. After that strengths of EU as foreign policy actor will be introduced. It will be shown that from liberal point of view and in terms of soft power EU is a strong actor. System of values and ideas which are EUs soft and normative power will be presented. Examples which will prove EUs strength in terms of normative power will be enlargement policy, Eastern Partnership and civil and military missions which have purpose to promote and maintain EUs norms and principles. On another side from realist point of view on foreign policy will be shown that EU is a weak actor. As weaknesses of EU as a foreign policy actor will be presented its inability to sometimes define unified and clear stance because of lack of unifying mechanism. Examples for that will be independence of Kosovo and stance towards Russia during Ukrainian crisis. Also as weakness of EU will be presented lack of militarized mechanisms in ESDP. It will be shown that without more integrated coordination of military issues EU wont be perceived as serious power in world. Also it will be shown that without more militarized ESDP EU wont be always able to achieve its interests and impose its norms and values. Hopefully with this research we will have more relevant picture of strengths and weaknesses of EU as a foreign policy actor.
General characteristics
For better understanding of main research question we should briefly overview main content and structure of Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP) and European Security and Defense Policy( ESDP). By Dover( in Cini, 2013) is explained that CFSP was founded with aim to preserve peace, stability and security in Europe and world, promote European values and European interests and within CFSP European Council defines main provisions while Commission and Council should work together with help of High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy. Main instruments of this policy are: a) common positions- member states comply their national policies with EU defined position on some affair b) joint actions: member states agree on action in name of EU. (Dover in Cini, 2013) As we see main purpose of CFSP is to find and define common stance among member states and present it as stance of whole EU in world. Since main framework of objectives and instruments of CFSP was presented now should be reviewed main information about ESDP. It has purpose to create capacities ( military and civilian) for managing crisis and preventing conflicts on international scene.( Europa, 2014) Important facts about this policy are that it doesn’t create EU army but structure comparable to NATO and that since Lisbon Treaty it is called Common Security and Defence Policy ( to act unanimity is needed in European Council). (Europa. 2014). Significant position has High Representative of Foreign and Security Policy and European Defence Agency that within CSDP aim to strengthen EU defence capabilities.(Europa, 2014) So we see that ESDP is supposed to have function in common defense.
Strengths of EU as a foreign policy actor
Now we will analyze strengths and weaknesses of EU as an actor in international field. That is supposed to give us relevant picture of EU as an actor in international sphere. In this part of paper will be analyzed strengths of EU as a foreign policy actor. Main strength of EU as foreign policy actor will be defined as EUs normative power. By Metreveli( in Atlantic Community, 2014) is suggested that EUs normative power is one of EUs biggest strengths but also weaknesses. In this section are analyzed strengths of EU as foreign policy actor so indicators of normative power as a strength will be introduced. Normative power is also known as soft power. Soft power is actually power embodied in norms, values and culture which are promoted by particular actor that wants to influence other actors to accept these norms. ( Nye, 2004) It belongs to liberal concept of international relations in which actors power is in its ability to influence others to accept its norms and ideas. ( Nye, 2004). EU has very conceptualized and developed system of human rights protection, promoting of rule of law, promoting democracy, liberalism and free trade which is defined in EUs treaties and Charter of Fundamental Rights. (Europa. 2013) All that are some kind of norms and values which EU member states share and obligation to respect them is regulated by EU legislature and judiciary. It is defined in Article 3 of Treaty of European Union( TEU) that EU on world scene aims to promote its values, peace, security, solidarity, human rights, rule of law, free trade, sustainable development, poverty eradication, rights of child and observance of international law. ( TEU, 1992) Therefore it is visible that EU on foreign policy field wants others to accept these norms and values with purpose that was mentioned- to support peace, stability and security within Europe and world. Therefore we see that EU uses its values as soft tools for achieving mentioned aims. Some instruments which EU uses to promote such values are External Action Service (EEAS) and Strategic Framework for Human Rights and Democracy. Through EEAS EU wants to present its unified voice and interests in world. (Dover in Cini, 2010) Strategic Framework for Human Rights and Democracy is very important for EU as it has purpose to promote democracy and protection of human rights in all its external activities both in bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other actors. ( euintheus, 2014) From this data can be obvious that on international level EU is united in promoting mentioned norms and values because of specified aims and that’s what makes EU to be strong normative force in world. It means that all 28 member states are united in these norms and pursue them in the world as norms and values of EU. To be more specific we will use two indicators which show strength of EU in promoting its norms and achieving its aims. First one is based on conditioning -membership offers, economic and trade opportunities which are conditioned by EUs norms. It means that EU in exchange for membership, trade and economic aid expects from other actors to respect human rights, democratize their regimes and liberalize trade. ( Derek, 2013) So within first indicator instruments of enlargement policy and Eastern Partnership program will be analyzed. Second indicator which will be presented in this paper is imposing of mentioned above norms through civilian and military missions. We will separately approach both indicators.
Firstly EU uses its norms in enlargement policy. EU by offering membership which is conditioned by EUs mentioned norms achieved significant success in last 20 years. EU integrated many post-Soviet countries and Balkan countries which had as condition to fulfill EUs specific norms. Olli Rehn( former Commissioner for Enlargement) emphasized that states from former communist bloc and some Balkan countries needed new economic opportunities and financial aid and EU offered them membership if they fulfill specific conditions: transform to democracies, liberalize markets and institutionally secure rule of law and protection of human rights. ( Rehn, 2007) According to Olli Rehn (2007) EU by using soft power and promoting its norms achieves its geostrategic interests ( to secure peace and stability) and economic interests ( new open markets- opportunities for trade)in Europe as EU is influencing others to accept its values which are guaranteeing peace, stability, rule of law, human rights protection, democracy and free trade. We know that many post-communist states ( Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Baltic States…) have been changed and became EU members, consolidated democracies, open economies and states which share mentioned EU norms. Therefore enlargement policy can be seen as most successful of all EUs foreign policies tools. (Debatingeurope, 2014) From data above is visible that thanks to EUs ability (based on economic offers) to impose its norms, values and make others to accept them it appears to be strong actor in terms of soft power. Except EUs success in conditioning post-communist states to accept EU norms as exchange for membership EU imposes its values through initiative known as Eastern Partnership. It is joint initiative of member states towards neighbors and countries nearby (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia) which aims to maintain security, peace and stability of these states for purpose of EUs security. (Europa, 2014) EU believes that stability and internal situation of its neighbors can affect EU too and with that aim EU wants to make them closer to EU culturally, politically and economically. (Europa, 2014) Eastern Partnership program provides platform for exchange of EU values: democracy, human rights, free market, rule of law with economic prosperity, institutional building, developmental aid and poverty reduction. (Europa, 2014) Now it will be shown that through Eastern Partnership EU applies its normative power quite successfully with regard to some countries. For example in cooperation with Ukraine and Georgia EU seems to be successful. Georgia is described as state that wants most to join EU fro...
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