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Thesis Proposal
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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Social Sciences Thesis Proposal (Thesis Proposal Sample)


Evidence-Based Practice Proposal


Evidence-Based Practice Proposal
Your Name
Date: 16th June 2019
This brief report represents the analysis of various factors which determine the readiness of a health facility as far as Evidence-Based Practice is concerned. The readiness of an organization to undergo implementation of the propositions Evidence-Based Practice is based on some critical metrics in key areas such as the overall organizational culture, leadership, exposition of the staff, their motivation towards the implementation as well as change management. These factors can influence the implementation process of Evidence-Based Practice either negatively or positively. The management of these factors among others determines how ready an organization is as far as the process is concerned. The health facility which was selected for analysis has the capability and capacity to support 500 patients and there are approximately 2,000 nurses. The health facility has been handling and dealing with intensive care, intermediate care as well as surgical care cases. This report is based on a survey that was done in an effort to find out if the organization was ready for the full-term engagement and implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in the profession of nursing. The paper shall discuss the potential facilitators of the process as well as the identified key risks or potential barriers to the implementation of the Evidence-Based Practice. In addition, the paper shall explore the extent at which facility has motivated the integration of clinical inquiry in the profession. The results of the survey shall be discussed as a way of finding out the possible recommendations needed to be effected to increase efficiency in the Evidence-Based Practice in the medical facility.

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