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Thesis Proposal
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The Urban Community and Racial Discrimination Project (Thesis Proposal Sample)


This seminar introduces students to the social sciences through the study of the urban community. Write a thesis proposal describing how the different disciplines within the social sciences view the urban community and how students can utilize skills of the social sciences and apply them to the study of a social problem (education, housing, transportation, work, crime, city planning and class, and racial conflict).


The Urban Community and Racial Discrimination
Jennifer Bryant
Course Outline: The Urban Community and Racial Discrimination
Project Description
By studying about the urban community, students can apply social sciences to their daily activities in their communities. This project will discuss and explore racial conflict, a major urban problem facing our community, and how it can be solved by utilizing the skills of the social sciences and applying them to this and other social problems.
Course Topics
1. An introduction to the Urban Community.
Here, I will begin by talking about the course, The Urban Community. I will explain what it is about, and how it relates to the social sciences, and how we as students, are taught to examine our everyday experiences in our community and utilize these skills in the social sciences to solve our daily problems.
2. Describe how Various Disciplines within the Social Sciences view and Relate to the Urban Community.
I will explore on the disciplines within the Social sciences such as anthropology, economics, history, sociology, and political sciences. I will also describe how each of these social sciences view the urban community as well as explain what relevance they are to the urban community.
3. Research Problem
A. Studying Racial Discrimination as a social problem
Although racial discrimination has significantly decreased over the last few decades, it is still a major problem that faces the urban community. In this section, I will explore this issue in great detail. I will find out what is the primary cause of racial discrimination in the urban community.
4. Review of Literature.
A. I will conduct investigations in libraries and on the internet, and find out whether similar studies have been carried out on this topic. I will note the findings, and significant results, and whether there are any consistencies and or inconsistencies among these findings.
B. I will visit various sites such as the New York Historical Society and the Weeksville in an attempt to learn more about racial discrimination and what are the main causes of racial discrimination. I will also research on ways that racial discrimination affects the society, businesses, and individuals. I will also talk to people in these places and find out whether they have any experiences with racial discrimination and how they responded or reacted in such instances. Doing this will help me know how victims of racial discrimination react in such situations
4. Methodology
A. Utilizing Disciplines within the Social Sciences and applying them to the study of racial discrimination.
In this sub-topic, I will utilize the skills that I have learned in the social sciences and use these skills to explore the issue of racial discrimination. I will also discover the various ways that I can apply these disciplines to this social problem and try to end it. I will also try to educate people about how to solve this issue by applying these disciplines, and find out their views about my solutions and whether they are open to trying out these methods.
B. Describe the Diversity of Human Experiences Within Communities.
I will identify my research procedures in great detail and use my findings to describe how human beings experience different experiences within their respective communities and explore the several differences among these communitie...
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